Just a Dream Read online

Page 4

  His words fanned the flames raging within her. Caden whimpered as moisture flooded her pussy. She didn't want to wait and her expression must have relayed her frustration.

  "One minute, baby,” he promised.

  As he unlaced his combat boots, Caden kept her gaze glued to the impressive muscles in his shoulders and back. She reached out and touched his skin marred by more than a few scars. It didn't detract from his attractiveness, but it made her hesitate. Until he met her eyes. Liam lifted his head and gave her a disarming grin. Finished with his boots, he crawled on the bed, pressing her back into the mattress.

  He kissed her again with slow efficiency. Along her tongue Liam stroked, back and forth. A coil grew in the pit of her belly as the kiss deepened. His bare chest pressed against her and with a moan Caden wriggled beneath him as her fingers dug into the material covering his ass. Spreading her legs wider, a small groan of satisfaction left her as she felt his rigid erection press against her heated core.

  Caden drew harder on his tongue as pleasure spiraled through her. Liam's hips began imitating the strokes of his tongue. Wedging a hand between them, Caden cupped her hand around his cock and began to rub it through his fatigues.

  Liam pulled back and before she could blink neither of them wore any clothing. Her gaze fastened upon his large penis where it sat, jutting out from a nest of dark brown hair. Her body throbbed with longing and desire. Caden reached out and curved her fingers around him. Velvet over iron. His low groan filled the room but she didn't stop. She couldn't. Up and down his length she slid her hand. The thought of him inside her almost sent her over the edge. She wanted him so badly.

  Liam grabbed her wrist, halting her exploration. “Stop, baby. I can't take much more of that.” His voice was an octave lower to when he first arrived.

  Caden smiled but stopped. She wanted him buried deep within her. Unable to tell where he ended and she began. Liam nudged her back again, settling between her thighs. Her breath hitched when the large head of his cock prodded against her. Slowly he pressed into her. Liam didn't slam into her, no, he took it very leisurely. Inch by slow torturous inch he filled her.

  Biting her lower lip, Caden did her best to not scream aloud in pleasure. Even so, a low moan slipped out. Once Liam was fully embedded within her he held still for a moment and brushed their lips together.

  "Caden,” he murmured against her mouth. “You feel so good around me. So wet and so fucking tight."

  She whimpered, unable to form a sentence. One callused palm covered a breast and he gently kneaded it. Caden dug her fingers into the flesh of her upper arms as her body adjusted to his size.

  "Shit!” she said on a hiss of pleasure. Her legs tightened around him when he began to withdraw. Frustration turned to satisfaction as his hips drove his thick length back in her.

  "Oh, hell yeah.” His contented growl filled the room.

  He moved slowly back and forth. Each stroke filled her and each retreat left her hungering for more. Somehow Liam got her hands in his and maneuvered them to her shoulders, his large fingers intertwined with hers. His face, covered by slight stubble nuzzled the side of her neck as he muttered softly, words she couldn't make out or understand.

  Fire raced through her veins as he continued his unhurried tantalizing motion. She could feel her orgasm building within her. Caden undulated against him, groaning in dissatisfaction when he refused to increase the pace.

  "Patience,” he murmured in her ear.

  "No,” she bit off. Caden wanted to fall over the edge of bliss. At this speed he kept her along the edge and while it was amazing she wanted ... needed more. “Damn you,” she mumbled.

  A low chuckle burst from him. A sound which stopped abruptly as she tightened her internal muscles around his cock.

  "Liam,” she begged as she arched against him again. “Please..."

  "Caden,” he growled deep in his throat as he picked up the pace.

  "Please,” she whimpered. “I need ... let me..."

  "Come for me, baby,” he demanded, powering into her. “Come all over my cock."

  His harshly ordered words gave her the final push over the edge to find and meet bliss. Her scream filled the room. Liam thrust powerfully twice more before a loud roar erupted from his throat, rippling through her, vibrating her soul. Harsh breathing sounded in her ear as his head lowered beside her.

  Aftershocks of pleasure flowed through her entire being. His lips brushed along her cheek before he pulled out of her, readjusted his body and gathered her into his arms. Caden sighed and shut her eyes as Liam drew the covers up over them. His lips moved against the side of her head. Contentment filled her and she allowed his warmth and strength to surround her as her pulse and breathing slowed to a calmer speed. Against her ear she heard and felt the heavy and rapid beating of Liam's heart. It thrilled her to know his body was as out of whack as hers.

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  Chapter Four

  Liam opened his eyes watched the woman lying in his arms. Her dark skin still retained a slight flush and he wanted nothing more than to let this moment last forever. He didn't want to wake and find everything he'd experienced with Caden was just a dream. It was more than anything he'd believed could be shared between two people.

  "Caden,” he murmured against her temple.


  "You okay? You're very quiet.” What if she's having second thoughts?

  She stirred in his embrace but only for a brief moment before she settled against him again. “I'm fine, thank you.” Her body tensed in the next second. “Can I get you something? Drink? Food?"

  Liam tightened his hold when she began to pull away. “I don't need anything. Everything I need is right here.” He reached out with one hand and stroked it down the side of her face. A smile crossed his features as she finally relaxed against him. They lay in silence and before too long had passed; Liam noticed a change in her breathing. Caden had fallen asleep in his arms.

  Carefully, so he didn't wake her, he reached over and turned off the lamp beside the bed, shrouding the room in darkness. Rubbing his face against her silken hair, Liam sighed. Protectiveness welled up inside him as he thought of Caden. Kissing her temple, he allowed his eyes to close and her deep, even breathing to lull him to sleep. Through the night, Liam would wake up as if not totally believing it had not been a dream, he'd be tense until he was sure he wasn't imagining lying there with her.

  Caden slept curled against him, her hands clasped between them, face pressed into his chest. Each soft snore emanating from her was a balm to his soul. Despite the number of times he woke, when the first strands of morning light streamed into the room, Liam was well rested. For there had been no nightmares, no jumping up drenched in a cold sweat as he reached for his M-16, or anything like that. It had been a wonderful night.

  Getting up, he smiled down at the slumbering woman as he grabbed his bag and headed to the shower. When he strode out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of jeans and socks, Caden still slept. It was barely six in the morning and he didn't want to wake her. He paused by the bed and drew up the slipping comforter until it was again tucked around her neck, keeping the sleeping woman warm. After touching the side of her face briefly he stood and went to the kitchen area, glancing out the window as he walked and paused when he stared at all the snow on the ground.

  "Damn that looks cold.” After spending so much time in the desert of the Middle East, this snowy weather really made him feel the aches and pains his job gave him. Shaking off the not so pleasant memories of the past, he continued on to the kitchen and began to percolate some coffee. When it was ready, he carried a cup of it to the couch in front of a small television where he turned on The Weather Channel.

  "Morning.” A soft voice pulled his attention from the boob tube.

  Liam looked up and groaned. Caden leaned against the doorjamb and all the blood in his body rushed to his lower extremities. She wore a shirt that hung down to her knees and a pair of whi
te socks. Nothing else that he could see. Her dark brown hair was loose around her face, she was tousled and giving off a sultry and sexual vibe, especially with the way the sunlight hit her caramel highlights.

  "Damn,” he muttered. “Morning.” Liam got to his feet and walked toward her, loving the way her eyes widened and deepened with desire. “I didn't know what you wanted to eat, so I haven't fixed you anything. But I can go get something if you'd just tell me what you want."

  Caden lowered her gaze and Liam crouched until he could see into her eyes. He knew she was unsure and that scared him.

  "Caden?” He stood tall again, pleased her stare had followed him.

  "I'm good. I'll grab something at the cafeteria in Walter Reed.” The smile she gave him was bit shaky, but it was better than nothing at all. She licked her lips and turned to go back into the bedroom when he reached out and tugged her back into his chest.

  "You runnin’ from me?” he asked in a low tone with a hint of underlying danger.

  His body tensed as she reached out and trailed one hand down his torso. Her lower lip was grabbed by her teeth and he swallowed hard when her light finger touch gave way to a scrape of her nails.

  "Not yet,” she whispered as flames erupted in her gaze. Her free hand had slid between them and curled around the growing erection in his pants. “I want this.” Her grip on him tightened briefly.

  "Where?” he barely managed to utter as his body careened into overdrive.

  "Here. Now."

  She moved her hands and the sound of the metal zipper of his jeans being lowered echoed through him. Caden maintained eye contact as she dipped her hand below the waist of his boxers. He trembled as her soft skin moved up and down his turgid shaft, her thumb swiping over the head of his cock, smearing the pre-cum allowing her hand to glide smoother.

  "Ahh, shit,” he groaned.

  Liam's eyes drifted closed as he moved his legs as far apart as his lowered pants would allow. Seconds later they flew back open as her warm mouth settled over the head of his cock. Tipping his head, Liam saw Caden had moved to her knees before him. Both of her hands teased the sensitive skin of his erection while she suckled on him like a lollipop. Small licks and longer draws on the rigid muscle were making him crazy.

  His fingers delved into her smooth soft hair and held her against him as his hips drove him in and out of the moist warmth of her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the length and ran under the edge of the head. The suction she applied made him want to fall to the floor and thank God.

  "Caden,” he rasped. “Stop, baby."

  "Uh-uh,” she vibrated against him even as she shook her head.

  His hips began driving faster and he sank deeper into her mouth. There was no hesitation on her part. Everything he gave she took and asked for more. When he pulled back, her draw on him clamped down even more. When he slid forward, she leaned into him, as if eager to taste even more of him. Tightening his fingers he shut his eyes again and allowed the endless wave of pleasure to flow over him. Back and forth he thrust into her mouth, his balls tightened and he knew it wasn't going to be long. Her satisfied grunts and moans reached him, adding to his pleasure.

  "I'm going to come, Caden,” he ground out.

  She didn't stop. Hell, she didn't even slow. If anything she upped the intensity. He bit the inside of his lip the moment her nails began to skim along the skin of his balls.

  "Fuck!” he shouted.

  Liam exploded with a rush. Growling deep in his throat, he watched as Caden sucked every bit of his seed from his throbbing cock. A smile of ecstasy pasted on her face as her full lips stretched around his erection, her lashes were lowered, hiding her expressive eyes from him. She continued to suckle him until there was nothing more forthcoming. She released him with a pop and glanced up at him. Another rumble rose up from his chest as he pulled her to her feet, lifted her shirt to see her glistening pussy, and sheathed himself within her in a single thrust.

  "Ahhh!” her screamed filled the room. “Fuck me, Liam. Fuck me!"

  The demand in her voice thrummed through him and his cock responded, hardening and swelling deep inside her.

  Her pussy clamped around him like a vice. Liam plowed into her, fucking her like she craved. The wall at her back kept her upright. Her legs wrapped around him, allowing him deeper penetration. Caden had a grip above her head on the doorway and he could see her fingers digging into the wood. Pebbled nipples poked through the thin shirt she wore and her full lips were parted as mewls fell from them with every stroke he delivered.

  "Uh-uh-uh,” she cried.

  Her voice reaching higher and higher until it damn near became hoarse. Back arching, a wail spilled from her mouth as his cock was coated in her thick cream when she came. The power of her orgasm rocketed through him and soon his low roar had joined her fading voice. Before Caden had a chance to recover, Liam had carried her back to the bed, coffee and weather long forgotten, as he lay on his back while she rode him.

  * * * *

  Caden sat on the floor of her shower, the blue hued glass completely steamed over. Hot water pounded into her skin as she huddled on the smooth floor. What have I done? What am I going to do?

  She'd fled home after finishing up her appointments instead of spending another night in the hotel. Gregory told her to keep the Acadia and he would call her when her car was finished. So here she sat, in Virginia Beach, far away from the temptation of Liam Quinn.

  It's not far enough, though. I don't think it will ever be far away enough so that he is out of mind. Squeezing her eyes shut tightly she tried to bring up an image of Dionte. It failed, his features were smudged and she couldn't bring it into focus.

  "What have I done?"

  She shook as she pushed to her feet. Bracing one hand against the wall she wiped furiously at the tears that began to slide down her face. The fact she couldn't conjure up Dionte's face had rattled her. Turning off the shower, Caden stepped out onto the plush bathmat and reached for the garnet colored towel hanging on the hook. Drying off, she slipped into a terrycloth robe and shoved her feet into fleece slippers.

  After a short staring contest with her reflection, she walked out to the living room and headed straight for the fireplace. A sigh of relief escaped as she saw her wedding photo sitting above it. Dionte looked so handsome in his dress uniform, sword at his side. Tears threatened again as her gaze slid down the marble to stop in the middle of the mantle. An oak award and flag shadowbox sat there. A head shot of Dionte in his uniform was there surrounded by his medals and underneath, perfectly folded, the flag she'd been presented at his funeral.

  On the other side of the display case there were more photos of them along with friends and family. Picking up one of her and Dionte taken in Italy when he'd been stationed there, she walked slowly back to the couch. She laid on it and curled up with a blanket and the photo. Eventually she sank into slumber, fingers curved around the frame.

  "Liam,” she gasped and sat straight up.

  Caden shook her head to try and rid herself of the cobwebs which seemed to lurk there. Did I really wake up with his name on my lips? No matter how she tried to deny it, Caden knew it was the truth. Looking down she saw the photo right beside her and she could see Dionte plain as day. Yet, when she closed her eyes it wasn't a pair of deep rich brown eyes she saw. It was a pair of bone-melting emerald green ones. Furious with herself she got off the couch, replaced the photo and headed for her bedroom to finish the night in her bed. She turned off lights on the way.

  After brushing her teeth, Caden slipped into bed and pulled up the thick comforter until she was cozy warm. Burrowing deep into the pillow, Caden sighed and gave into the pull of Morpheus.

  * * * *

  Rest didn't come easy for her the rest of the week. It seemed every time she had a free moment, images of Liam Quinn popped into her head. Teasing her. Calling to her. Tantalizing her. No matter what she did, she had no way of stopping the way his body called hers. Rolling her shoulders, Caden
pushed away from her desk and walked around her office to loosen up a bit. She jumped when her phone beeped.

  "Yes, Cynthia?” she questioned as she lifted the receiver.

  "I know you don't have any appointments for a while, but there is a gentleman here who would like a word with you."

  Running a hand over her eyes, Caden sat back down behind her desk and stared at the tempting salad. She'd planned to eat her lunch and scan over her upcoming cases. For a brief second, she rested her head against the smooth leather of her chair. “Send him in, Cynthia. I hope he doesn't mind if I eat, I'm starving.” Replacing the handset, she lifted the cover off and put a few spritzes of honey mustard dressing on the food.

  She barely looked up when the door opened, scanning instead the file packet she held in her hand. “Come in and sit down, I'll be with you in a second.” Caden made some final notes on the file and put it down, turning her attention to her visitor. A smile crossed her face as she looked at the man in civilian clothing standing behind a chair. He looked young, but his eyes were haunted.

  "Thank you for seeing me, Ms. Bradshaw."

  Getting to her feet, she stuck out her hand. “Not a problem, please have a seat, Mister...?"

  "PFC Davis, ma'am."

  He shook her hand briefly before standing in front of the chair. When he didn't sit, Caden did, hiding her smile when he followed suit. Some men had all the manners.

  "Please excuse my eating, PFC Davis, it's been a long day. Can I get you some water or anything else?"

  "No, ma'am, I'm fine."

  "Now, what can I do for you?” she asked as she picked up her fork.

  Life went on.

  * * * *

  Liam sighed as he stared out of the window at the pristine, snow-covered ground. He couldn't get Caden out of his mind. That one night and day he spent with her wasn't enough. He wanted more than one amazing day. Liam wanted the rest of their lives. More than flesh on flesh, he longed to walk outside with her. Dinner, movies, and more.

  "Liam,” a soft voice grabbed his attention from the white blanket covering the earth.


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