Just a Dream Read online

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  Caden trembled the entire trip from Liam's house to the outskirts of Washington D.C. and Gregory's home. She could still taste him on her lips, not even the coffee could erase it. He tasted like comfort food and she didn't think she would ever get enough. Her breasts ached for his touch and there was a fierce throbbing between her thighs. It had been a long, long time since a man had made her feel like Liam Quinn did.

  Thankfully, Gregory had his attention on the road and didn't say much. Unfortunately, that gave her a lot more time to think about Liam. And she did. Thought about his arms, the way they made her feel so safe. His body had no fat on it at all. The way he moved, smelled, the vividness of his green eyes against his tanned skin. She wanted to run her hands along the short cut of his hair, touch each and every crevice he had. Memorize his body so she could still be with him even if it was just in a dream.

  The truck stopped and she opened her eyes to see the shop sign Bradshaw Mechanics and Towing. With a sip of coffee, she glanced over to her brother-in-law. He'd been staring at her for he jerked his gaze away and shut off the engine of the truck.

  "Something you want to say, Gregory?"

  "Nope. Got something you'd like to tell me?"

  Licking her lips, she unbuckled her belt. “Not other than thank you for coming to get me."

  "Okay.” He got out as well and as they walked to the front door together. Gregory, carrying her bags, continued, “But if I was to say something, it would be that I like him for you."

  Caden halted and grabbed his arm, turning him toward her. “You like him for me? What about Dionte?” She waved it off. “It doesn't matter. Liam's military.” Even as she said it, her fingers curled tighter around the Marine Corps travel mug she carried.

  Gregory stopped her before she could make it to the door. “Listen to me, Caden. Dionte is gone. He would want you to be happy. Not only that, so do I, we all do. If you are holding back from a relationship because you think we'll feel you are betraying the memory of my brother, don't."

  Standing with him in the glow from his porch light, she studied his face. His normally stern visage was soft and warm. She did feel that way. “I'm just not ready."

  "If that's what you need to tell yourself, then fine, just don't use us as an excuse to remain alone.” Gregory unlocked the door and led the way inside.

  Before long, Caden stood under the pounding spray of a hot shower. In the back of her mind, Gregory's words played over and over. In the forefront of her mind, the image of Liam and the memory of his kiss kept her company as she showered. He was there as she slid between the sheets of the guest bed.

  "Liam,” she whispered to the darkness as sleep overtook her. Those intense green eyes were waiting for her as she woke in the morning. They stayed with her as she got ready for the day and climbed into the Light Sandstone Metallic Acadia that Gregory lent her. However, when she pulled into the parking spot, he drifted to the back of her mind as she focused on her task at hand.

  When she left at the end of the day and headed out to find something to eat, and then get to her hotel, his image floated back into her consciousness. The clicking of her heels on the tile floor seemed to turn into a cadence that said, Li-am, Li-am, Li-am. With a groan, she entered the cafeteria area and smiled as she saw a bunch of military personnel grabbing some grub. It didn't take her long to grab some food for herself and as she sat down, she sighed.

  Setting her briefcase beside her, Caden picked up the plastic fork and unwrapped it. Stabbing some of the salad, she brought it up to her mouth and ate. It wasn't what she was craving, but it would do for the moment. Tomorrow she had a few appointments over at Walter Reed and had some friends to catch up with. Finished with her food, she disposed of her tray and headed toward the exit. She stopped at security to return her visitor badge.

  "Have a great day, ma'am,” the marine told her as she signed out.

  "Thank you, Corporal, you as well.” He smiled at her.

  "Evening, Gunny,” he said, standing even straighter if that were possible.

  "Corporal Westral."

  The voice that delivered that single word ricocheted through her like a shot. Her hand grew sweaty as she lowered the pen to rest back upon the counter. Throat growing dry, Caden swallowed a few times before she was certain she was composed enough to face the man behind her. Turning slowly, Caden wasn't prepared for the sight before her. Dressed in fatigues stood none other than Liam Quinn—Gunnery Sergeant Liam Quinn of the United States Marine Corps, to be exact.

  His gaze gentled as he looked at her. “Hello again, Caden."

  She licked her lips and fought the urge to touch his face and see if he tasted as wonderful as she remembered. Caden dipped her head briefly. “Gunnery Sergeant."

  His heated stare made her believe she was in the tropics instead of in the middle of a winter snowstorm. His eight-corner hat sat wedged in his belt on his left side. There wasn't an inch on this man that was out of regulation. Having grown up with and married into the military, that wasn't hard to recognize. In a flash, she put him on par with Dionte in his dress whites. There was just something about Liam, even though he wasn't an officer and he was a Marine instead of Navy; he carried himself with such confidence, it made her want to strip him naked and...

  She blinked. He was talking. “I'm sorry, what did you say?” Caden fought down the blush determined to race across her face.

  "I asked if I could escort you to your car.” His gaze never wavered.

  "Sure.” Pasting a smile on her face to hide her nervousness, Caden glanced back over her shoulder and nodded at the Corporal one final time before walking to the door. Her belly clenched with wanton longing as Liam fell into step beside her. Not a word was spoken between them until they'd left the five sided building.

  Liam seemed to know exactly where she was going, for he never once faltered in his steps, but at the same time, he never pushed her in the direction. When they reached the Acadia, he held the door for her as she climbed inside the SUV and started the engine.

  "Have dinner with me,” he said without letting go of the door.

  From her seat she found they were eye to eye. She licked her lips as she held his gaze. The flare of heat in his emerald stare told her he had picked up on her action. The word “no” was on the tip of her tongue when he placed a finger over her lips.

  "No, Caden. You don't get to push me away just because I'm military. Meet me for dinner.” His tone took on a commanding edge even as he leaned in closer, dropped his finger and placed his mouth against hers. “Where are you staying?” he asked against her lips.

  Despite her self-preservation instincts yelling, Caden gave him the address for her hotel and with a brief, powerful kiss, he stepped away and shut the door, promising to arrive there as soon as he concluded his business.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Three

  Caden was nervous. She walked around her suite as she waited for the ring of the bell. After leaving him in the parking lot of the Pentagon, she'd gone to a grocery store and picked up food from the deli. She'd gotten a bunch of different items, unsure what Liam preferred to eat. Wiping her hands off on her skirt, she began pacing again. She debated taking a shower but the time of his arrival wasn't sure.

  She stood in the fully equipped kitchen area of the suite and poured herself a cup of tea. The sharp rapping on the door made her jump and she nearly dropped the drink. Placing the pitcher back in the refrigerator she took a sip of the cold beverage and then made her way to the door, praying her heart would slow down and not jump out of her chest. Grasping the doorknob, Caden took a deep breath and swung the door open. The air she'd just inhaled promptly left.

  Leaning with incredible nonchalance against the frame, as if he had all the time in the world, stood Liam Quinn. Like before his hat was stowed in its proper place when one was indoors. In his right hand he had a bouquet of mixed flowers. In his left there was a black bag. He met her gaze and one side of his kissable mouth turned u
p in an irresistible grin.

  "Evening, Caden.” The timbre of his words sent shivers over her skin and she knew she was playing with fire.

  "Liam,” she returned in a similar sensual tone. “Come on in."

  He followed her inside the room with purpose to his step. The moment the door closed behind him, he dropped the bag, pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Like before, her toes curled and every synapse within her reacted, crying out with need for more of him. His tongue swept through her mouth, branding her, claiming her, learning her taste. Knees growing weak, Caden gripped the sides of his jacket and used them and his body strength to keep her upright. When the kiss ended, she could barely find her breath.

  "These are for you,” he announced, extending the flowers.

  She fought the urge to touch her lips. “Thank you,” Caden murmured as she took them, careful not to allow skin contact. “Can I get you something to drink?"

  "Whatever you're having will be fine,” he whispered from right behind her, sending a bolt of electricity down her spine.

  As Caden fixed him a drink the light glinted off her wedding ring. It caught her so off guard she jerked slightly and her hand began to tremble. What am I doing? Tears welled up in her eyes as for the first time since she'd lost him, her mind was unable to conjure up an image of Dionte. Warm hands settled on either side of her waist. Closing her eyes, she allowed the heat from his body to sink into her.

  "I don't want you to be ashamed of what you're feeling, Caden,” he murmured, resting his cheek against hers. “And I don't want you to feel pressured into anything."

  The scent she remembered from the night they met swarmed over her again. Freshness, warmth, and a hint of sensual smokiness. She opened her eyes and stared into the vibrant collage of colors the floral bouquet offered.

  "That's not it,” she answered in a tone matching his in volume. “It's just, you're the first ... first ... since..."

  His touch didn't withdraw. In fact, he held her tighter. “Tell me now, Caden. If you don't want this, we'll just have a nice dinner. If you do, we'll have a nice dinner and more."

  She shivered beneath his fingers. Spinning around so they were face to face she said softly, “Let's start with the nice dinner and see what happens.” His jacket had been removed, leaving his torso encased in a tan shirt that hugged him tightly.

  His eyes smoldered as he stared down at her. “Make sure this is what you want, Caden. I'm not thinking short term here."

  What was he thinking then? She licked her lips and watched as his eyes followed the movement of her tongue. “Liam,” she began, only to stop as his mouth covered hers. Her belly clenched as his tongue slid across hers, stroking it, enticing it out to play. Caden moaned into his mouth as her fingers dug into the flesh of his arms. Moisture pooled between her thighs as his hands brought them tighter together. He adjusted his stance, fitting her snugly between his spread thighs. One hand settled along the small of her back, his fingers moving in small sensual circles along her shirt. Each stroke, each caress sent a pulse of electricity through her.

  Breathing became difficult as the kiss deepened. Her nipples hardened to near painful points, her legs began to shake and it took more and more of his strength to hold her up. Strength which he seemed to be in endless supply of. Slowly he pulled away, his teeth pulling her lower lip until it could go no further. Then he let go and kissed it lightly.

  "We should eat dinner,” he said in a silken tone.

  "Dinner,” she repeated.

  One half of his mouth turned up in a sexy, disarming grin. “Yes, dinner."

  Caden felt her face heat with embarrassment.

  * * * *

  Liam watched her as she blushed. He wanted to forget dinner and lay her down and love her from her feet up to her head. Ever since she'd left his house after that kiss all he thought about was her. It didn't matter what it was that brought them back together, but when he walked in and saw her at the desk, he knew it was kismet. Now, being here with her, he didn't want to be anywhere else.

  He followed her with his gaze as she moved toward the counter with food on it. There was a small array of finger foods set up and he stepped toward her, trapping her between the counter edge and his body. Never had a woman smelled so good to him. His cock hardened in his fatigues. Grinding his back teeth together, he reached around her and grabbed a small piece of the rotisserie sitting in the container. The succulent taste of lemon herbed meat settled onto his tongue.

  "This looks wonderful,” he commented after swallowing.

  "I wasn't sure what you'd be hungry for."

  Liam smiled as he pressed against her. “You know exactly what I'm hungry for.” Her slender body shuddered beneath him and he brushed a kiss along the side of her neck, allowing himself time to inhale the warm fragrance from her hair. She shook her head and he wondered if he'd gone too far, too fast.

  "You're a smooth talker, Liam Quinn,” she quipped before jabbing him lightly with her elbow.

  Soon they were sitting at the table and Liam couldn't keep his eyes off her. They chatted about neutral things, but he wanted more, he wanted to get deeper. Something that surprised him, for he normally preferred to keep people at a distance. She was fairly forthcoming and open, but he knew she wasn't totally at ease. She liked him and she was attracted to him, but for some reason she seemed to be ashamed of her feelings toward him. Occasionally her gaze would settle upon the ring adorning her hand and she would withdraw into herself slightly.

  It was as they ate brownies and ice cream that he reached for her hand. Her skin was smoother than anything had a right to be, and he longed to feel her body sliding against his. Licking his lower lip, he searched for her gaze and held it. Her eyes made his heart skip a beat, their soulful depths calling him to jump in and swim. Liam set his spoon down in the dish and rose, moving to stand beside her.

  There was desire in her stare as well as uncertainty. Tugging gently, he pulled her to her feet. He cupped her cheek with his free hand as his head lowered for a kiss. She tasted like mint chocolate chip ice cream and heaven. With a low moan, he swept through her mouth, searching everywhere for her unique taste. He couldn't get enough. Without breaking the kiss, Liam swept her up in his arms and went to her bedroom. Only when he laid her upon the king-sized mattress did he stop kissing her. Staring down at her he took in her swollen lips, flushed features and rapid breathing.

  Caden blinked once before reaching out to him. “Liam,” she murmured, her soft voice stroking him as if she held his rigid cock in her hand.

  With more patience than he knew he had, Liam reached for the black pearl-like buttons on her shirt and opened them. Bit by bit her mocha skin was revealed to him. His erection grew harder, breathing became more difficult. Pushing the shirt open, he bit back a groan as he found himself staring at two perfect breasts covered by a lacy emerald green bra. He could make out the pebbled tips pushing up through the material.

  She moaned and shuddered beneath his touch as he touched her. Her breasts were firm and fit perfectly in his hands. She arched into his palms and Liam leaned down and swiped his tongue across the bared tops of them before skimming his teeth across the taunt nipples.

  "Liam,” she groaned.

  Trailing his tongue in the valley between her breasts, he laved a path down to her belly button, smiling slightly over the piercing which sat there. Tracing along the waistband of her skirt, Liam reveled in each tremble and mewl she released to the otherwise silent room. Slowly, he undid the hook-and-eye closure at one side of her waist and lowered the zipper.

  "Lift up, baby,” he ordered. Caden complied and soon her skirt had been removed. “Jesus!” he bit off. She was perfect. Her panties were the same color as her bra and high cut. His cock pressed insistently against its confines. He slipped two fingers below the elastic band. Short curls brushed against his fingertips. He swallowed sharply as intense craving filled him.

  Removing his hand, Liam stood and stared at the woman beneath him.
Her long lashes lifted from her cheeks, allowing him to stare into her amazing dark brown eyes with golden flecks. She stared at him. Skimming her body from head to toe, Liam again experienced a hunger for her so intense it took his breath away. Her smooth mocha skin was only broken up by the green of her undergarments.

  Her tongue snuck out and wet her full lips before she sat up and shrugged out of the open shirt. Liam's gaze dropped to her breasts and back up to her face. Caden got up on her knees and held his stare.

  "Take off your shirt,” she ordered softly.

  Swallowing, Liam did just that. Her soft purr of desire washed over him. He blinked and when he opened his eyes, she was reaching for him. The feel of her soft hands on his chest made his lids flutter shut again. The slight scrape of her nails on his skin made his fatigues grow even tighter. Her fingertips traced along old scars. They slid down over his abs and hesitated at the waist of his pants.

  His heart pounded like nothing he'd ever experienced before. The hairs on his arms stood up courtesy of the electricity pouring through him. One. Two. Three. Four. Counting didn't help calm him down. Everything male within him roared for him to claim her as his. Brand her. Keep her for eternity.

  * * * *

  A groan slipped out as her hands traveled back up his chest, sliding through the light smattering of chest hair which covered his muscled torso. He didn't have an ounce of fat on him. Nothing to spare. Caden noticed his chest was the same golden brown as his powerful arms. He must spend a lot of time outside without a shirt on. Her mouth grew dry as she envisioned running her tongue all over him. Along the edge of each well-defined abdominal, over each pectoral, and lower.

  Her body burned. Reaching for his fatigue bottoms, she frowned when his hands covered hers, stopping her progress. Looking up, she was met by his smoldering green gaze. The heat pouring from it was so hot it nearly burned her.

  "I'm still in my boots, Caden. I'm not going to have our first time be that way. I want our naked bodies intertwined, long after we both collapse from exhaustion."


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