Game For Love_Delay of Game Read online

Page 8

  Was that what it looked like to someone else? “You know hockey?”

  “Big fan. And you’re dodging the question.”

  “He’s on the same team as Vale’s brother. I met him a while ago, during the quarterfinals. Remember, I told you about that and you waved it off.”

  The old veteran merely arched an eyebrow and grunted.

  “Christ, you want to meet him.”

  “A lifelong hockey fan wanting to meet a Stanley Cup winner? Ya think?”

  “Figures,” she muttered, whirling on her feet and heading back out, draining the beer as she moved. He still waited on the other boat. “Yo! You coming over or are you only okay on frozen water?”

  Her question had barely left her mouth when he dove over the side with a graceful arch. She was joined by Danny and Sue as he closed the gap with sure, powerful strokes.

  Just like he fucked me with. Powerful strokes. She did her best to not squeeze her legs together at the memory. As he gripped the silver rail and pulled himself up, she fought to contain the whimper as he rose from the water like Poseidon himself.

  His gray shirt almost black from the wetness that clung to every inch of hard surface it touched. She couldn’t miss the outline of his six-pack or the leanness of his hips. His black hair was plastered to his head, and she longed to trace the water droplets that rolled along his tan skin and over the sodden clothing.

  She looked lower. Swallowed hard then did it once more. Nothing left to the imagination. And given she knew the truth, it only heightened her awareness of what lay beneath the wet denim glued to him. Her gaze lingered over his cock before she dragged her gaze up to find those piercing eyes on her.

  “Water is water. I command on it—” he pinned her with a possessive look— “or in it.”

  How embarrassing would it be to jump in his arms and beg him to take me? She wasn’t sure it would matter, not given how her ovaries seemed to be ruling what little was left of her dignity.

  “Holy shit,” Sue whispered beside her. “That takes hot to a whole new level.”

  Constantine had to agree, but her words wouldn’t leave her mouth. When he wiped his face, she regathered herself and cleared her throat.

  “Danny, Sue. This is Sergej Markovich.”

  It was John who went by her first. She’d not even heard him approach, but then, the Navy vet was stealthy.

  “I’m John,” he stated, sticking out his hand.

  “And that’s John,” she muttered. This was one of the few times she’d seen John act like a kid at Christmas. He was typically so stoic.

  “Huge fan, this is such an honor.”

  Sergej smiled and engaged him in conversation. Sue hit Constantine in the side, and she met her friend’s gaze.

  “Him? No wonder you’ve been distracted. Oh my God, I don’t think I’d ever let him out of the bedroom.”

  Danny said something else, but the words didn’t register. She’d made the mistake of returning her attention back to Sergej. A cover up wasn’t going to be enough. Maybe a suit of armor to slip into.

  After introductions were made and the charter had dropped anchor near them, they, too, came and joined the group. Once they arrived, she went and put on a sarong. The top, she was okay with, but the bottoms… Christ, she didn’t need everything but between her legs to show as dry.

  As she got some beer for the new arrivals, Sergej grabbed her wrist as she moved by him, tugging her to his lap. She didn’t pull away, just sat there for a moment, then she relaxed into him.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said.

  “This is neither the time nor the place.”

  “Wrong.” He stood, keeping her within the circle of his arms. “Excuse me; we’ll be back.”

  He led her off to their teasing comments. Inside, he backed her against the wall and kissed her. She squeezed her eyes shut as if that would stop all the emotions from flooding her.

  If anything, it made it all more amplified. She remembered his touch at night, how it felt, how he tasted.

  God, give me strength.

  He stepped back, hands cupping her cheeks. “I fucked up.”

  She nodded. “You did. But I went along with it myself. So, it’s not all on you. I have to shoulder some of the responsibility.”

  “No, you never should have been put in that situation to begin with.” He pulled her close. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “I’m not yours to lose.”

  Sergej stiffened before leaning back. “Fair enough. How do I change that?”

  She didn’t have any air left in her lungs. How unfair was it for a man like him to roll into her life—skate—and turn it on its end?

  Only unfair if you allow him to walk away.

  “How do you change it?” She gulped, struggling for air.

  “Yes. How do I change it so you are mine to lose?”

  “I don’t know. My life has been turned upside down by this. I have reporters on the docks asking me questions.”

  “Okay, so I’ll talk to them for you. I don’t care if it’s a thousand reporters, Constantine. I need to know about you. About how I get to fight to keep you in my life.”

  She was floundering. She longed to wrap her arms around him and let him handle it all. Self preservation instincts told her to run, not get involved, at least not with a man so in the media spotlight. Her heart vehemently disagreed.

  “We barely know each other.”

  “No, that’s not true. Our time together is shorter than with others, perhaps, but I know a lot about you. I long to know more.”

  “I don’t like being in the media spotlight. There was enough of that for me when I started my job. I saw the headline that night I was with you. I don’t need that distraction on my team. It’s not fair to them, and quite honestly, it’s no one’s business why I, as a black woman, chose the career I did. And what I’m trying to prove. Does my man have a problem with me doing what I do? How—”

  “No, your man doesn’t. In fact, he’s damn proud of what you do.”

  His words stopped her. She thought about it. He’d never once wavered from his statement of how much she meant to him. When he looked at her, it wasn’t through her. It was at her. He saw her.

  She would be so much more than a fool to let him get away. He spoke the truth. They may have not known each other long in the chronological sense, but he saw her. She took one of his hands in hers, lacing their fingers.

  “Let’s join the others,” she said softly.

  “We’re not finished talking yet.”

  “We’ll head in soon, then we can finish. They don’t always have the chance to sit and visit with a hockey star.” She squeezed his hand, released him, then walked to the door. “I’ll get you for the rest of our lives.”

  Chapter Eight

  Hat Trick—one player scores three goals in one game

  Sergej stared at the woman lying in his hotel bed. Rest of our lives. Four words that, until Constantine, had freaked him out. Now, he spent time hoping he’d hear another two from her. I do.

  The boat ride had turned into dinner, which had been long and fun. He truly enjoyed the group of people she worked with but was grateful to finally be alone with her. Their reunion had been passionate and lengthy.

  He glanced at his watch. Two in the morning. He walked to the window and stared out over the black glass leading out to the bright lights on the rig. He didn’t understand how she could willingly go under the water for her job, but he was proud of her.

  “What are you doing up?”

  He turned from the view and took in the way the soft light caressed her body. The way her sleepy eyes watched him in return hitched his heart. Sergej walked to sit at her side and stroked a finger along the smooth skin of her bared shoulder.

  “I was thinking about children.” He paused to skim her full bottom lip. “Our children.”

  “Were you now?”

  “We never used protection.”

  “It wasn’t necessary. I’m
on the Depo shot. I can’t risk it with my job.”

  He furrowed his brow. “You can’t risk being pregnant because of your job?”

  “Well, yes, I guess in a way, but that’s not what I was talking about.”

  She stared at him, and it finally sank in. “What happens if you want to get pregnant?”

  “Well, I would hope to have a husband, first. Then, we’d discuss it.” She rolled over and tugged him down to lay beside her.

  “I was surprised that you told the reporters we would announce the wedding date once we picked it then asked them to leave us alone until we are ready to give the news.”

  “She annoyed me by asking about the trade rumors.” She linked their hands, her thumb moved along his skin. “What is going on with them?”

  He readjusted and put her head on his shoulder. “Because of stats and what I’ve accomplished, they can get draft picks for me.”

  “But you’re a main part of the team.”

  “I’ve not come into this with the blind assumption I’d play my entire career with one team. I’d prefer to stay with the Raptors, but I understand it could happen I would be traded.”

  “Why don’t you tell them you want to stay?”

  “They know my position on it. Nate’s a damn good agent; he knows what I want.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “You truly aren’t concerned about it, are you?”

  “No. I didn’t think anything would convince me it was more important than hockey, but that was before I met you. I definitely owe Victor for asking me to come pick you up.”

  “You worked so hard to be where you are. I mean, I don’t know all your stats, but the fawning people do over you, my team included, I kind of figured out you’re up there.”

  He chuckled. “Never had my career put like that before.”

  “I need to get some sleep. I’m out on the boat in three hours.” She burrowed closer.

  He reached around her and clicked off the light. “Can I sail with you?”

  “It’s a long day, probably get boring.”

  “I want to see your work.”

  “I’m fine with it, but we have to clear it with John. It’s his boat.” She snorted. “Although, given how he was today, I think he’ll be on board as well.”

  Good. Sergej wanted to spend as much as he could with her while they were here.

  “Where are you going next?” he asked moments later.

  “Our next job is in the Black Sea.”

  “You don’t work strictly in the US?”

  “We have things in other waters than our own. It won’t be as warm, that’s for sure.”

  Unease rose in his gut. It was one thing for her to be diving here in US waters, but out there, away from, well, everything, he had doubts. Lots of them.

  She patted his chest. “You’ve gone scary quiet. Just because it’s outside the States doesn’t mean I’m suddenly without medical care. Other countries besides us do employ doctors. We’ve done this for years; we’re pros. Now, get some sleep.”


  Sergej couldn’t believe all that went into what Constantine did. As he watched the woman he had every intention of marrying sink beneath the water’s surface, wearing gear that he wouldn’t have understood, and had he not seen her put it on, he wouldn’t have recognized her.

  “She’ll be fine,” Sue said, patting his shoulder as she brushed by him. “Come on inside, and you can see what she’s watching out there.”

  So, he did. He observed in silence. Panicked when sharks moved in near, breathed easier—a bit—when they left her alone. He listened in as she joked with the ones topside. Her voice never changing, not even when the sharks poked around. It was always relaxed and calm.

  She was in her element here. Had he any doubts about it previously, they’d since been vanished. Constantine hadn’t lied; the day was long.

  That’s how it was until the job was finished, three days later. He spent time on the boat while she was submerged; the night’s they spent in each other’s arms, making love and talking.

  He stood with her beside his rental on the day he was supposed to leave. Arms around her waist, he stared down into the brown eyes of the woman who’d come to mean the world to him.

  “Come with me.”

  “I can’t do that, Sergej. I have another plane to catch. And I’m sure you have some hockey things to get to. Can’t spend all your off season following me around.

  “I can’t?”

  Her smile gentle even as she shook her head. “No. As much as I enjoy having you in my bed at night, you can’t.”

  “I worry about you down there.”

  “I know. But I’ve got the best watching my back.” She dropped her head, resting it against his chest. “I have to go.”

  He tipped her up with one finger on the chin. “Do me a favor?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Come home safe.”

  She pushed up on her toes and kissed him lightly. “I’ll miss you.”

  She stepped away from him and walked away, bag slung over one shoulder to the waiting vehicle. He hurried after her and spun her back into his embrace, slanting his mouth over hers and drowning in her kiss. She wound her arms around his neck, fingers threading through his hair.

  “That wasn’t a proper farewell kiss,” he muttered after the fact.

  “I’ll be fine,” she whispered against his lips. “I love you.” Then, she was gone. Leaving him alone with her words.


  Constantine pushed her hands deep into the pockets of the jacket she wore. It was October, and the month, thus far, was unseasonably cold. She made her through the raucous crowd noise down to her seat. She was exhausted, for she’d just gotten off a twenty-two-hour flight, but she wasn’t about to miss this.

  The players skated for their warmups. Thank God I didn’t miss the start. She fought another yawn and opened her eyes to see Adamsson nudging the man she’d come to watch and point in her direction.

  Sergej glanced over his shoulder, and when their eyes locked, she found it hard to breathe. He instantly began moving in her direction, never once taking his gaze off her, not even when he went from skating backward to forward. He merely reangled his body.

  He stopped by the tunnel to their locker room and stepped onto the carpet. She was out of her seat and on her way down to him before it registered that the camera was on her as well. They were being broadcasted on the big screen.

  “He may get called for delay of game, folks, but somehow, I don’t think the Raptors fans will mind. This is a story that’s been unfolding for us since before we brought home the Stanley Cup. Everyone has been wondering when they were going to announce their wedding; perhaps we’ll get an answer here, tonight, at the first home game of our season.” Their announcer continued on, but her attention was solely on the man nearing.

  He dropped his gloves and reached for her as he leaned over the railing. His mouth was on hers, and the rest of the world fell away. She pushed her fingers through the damp locks of hair at the back of his neck. He tasted divine. Sergej, sweat, and more Sergej.

  “When did you get back?” he asked, lips still on hers, keeping their words private.

  “Came here from the airport.”

  “You were gone for a long time.”

  “We had some issues over there; more than one thing needed to be worked on and fixed.” She’d been in Poland since late August, working on and around the B3 oil field. John had contacts on the Baltic Beta rig, and they’d called him in to do some work. But as she’d welded, more issues had popped up, so they’d extended their stay.

  “You okay?”

  She closed her eyes and wished they were away from here. “I am now.”

  “Marry me?”

  Her lids flew up like a measuring tape snapping back. “What?”

  He moved his thumbs along her lower lip. “We’ve been telling the press we’ll announce when we’re ready. I was ready, then. More so, now. Say you’ll
marry me.” He gave her that look which made her believe she was the only woman in the world for him. “I know I don’t have a ring; I’m not even on one knee. But I can’t possibly love you more than I do, right now.”

  A collective sigh reached her, and she realized his words were carrying to those closest. She kissed the pad of his thumb as it moved over her lips, again.

  “I’m already wearing your ring,” she said, lifting her shoulders in his jacket. “You said so yourself. The one that is for me and no one else. Yes, I’ll marry you, whenever you want. Now, go win this game before you do get called for a delay of game penalty.”

  “I love you,” he said. He kissed her lightly then stepped back.

  She reached out, snagged the jersey and yanked him back close. The crowd roared, hooting and hollering. “Not a proper farewell kiss,” she stated before taking a much longer one. “Go win.”

  He nodded, blew her a kiss, and stepped back on the ice where he rejoined his teammates. She returned to her seat and settled in, joking with the ones around her. With her eyes fixated firmly on the man who ruled her heart, she couldn’t wait for the game to be over. Win or lose, she had all she needed, and she didn’t plan on letting him go.


  The game always changes for super-sexy, alpha athlete heroes who meet their perfect heroines in these sexy, fun and emotional romances that revolve around the world of professional sports (including but not limited to football, baseball, soccer, basketball, beach volleyball, race cars, polo, etc.). When professional linebacker Cole Taylor sets out to fulfill his grandmother's dying wish, he finds his perfect and innocent match, Anna Davis, in the most unlikely of places, and the love that develops between Cole and Anna leaves them irrevocably altered. Whose game will change next?

  Start with the original book by Bella Andre:

  Game for Love

  Then move on to these amazing reads from the Game for Love Kindle World:

  A Cowboy Kind of Love ~ Melissa Storm


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