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Born to Fly: You Save Me Page 5

  "I want to see you before you go."

  "You can stay the night if you want."

  If he wanted? Hell yeah, I want. “I'll be there. When are you going to be done with girls’ night out?"

  "A lot sooner than we'd planned on it. I'm not sure but I'll call you when I'm on my way back."

  He heard her name being yelled. “Okay. See you tonight, sugar. Be safe."

  "You too. Catch you later, marine.” She hung up and Garrick sighed before pushing to his feet and heading inside.

  That night he had fun, but he was more than ready to go when Delaney called. He met her at her apartment and spent the night making love to her. When she lay sleeping in his arms, he held her tight and whispered, “I love you, Delaney."

  In the morning, he carried her bags down to her vehicle and stowed them in the back. Then he pulled her tight to him and stared down into those pale green orbs. “Call me when you land."

  Delaney smiled as she slid her arms around him. “Starting to sound like a husband."

  "There's time before you leave. We can make it happen.” He held her gaze, more than willing to marry her right then and there.

  "Wow, how romantic. Seriously, I'm kind of gettin’ used to you being around, so take care of yourself up there.” She kissed him and drove away without a look back.

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  Chapter Five

  * * * *

  Delaney sighed and rolled her head on her shoulders. Six weeks away from home. Japan's nice and all but there is something which I have in Pensacola that isn't anywhere else. Garrick Stark. She'd missed him. One night, before they ended their customary telephone call, he'd asked her to come home with him over Christmas. While she'd wanted to say yes on the spot, Delaney hesitated and said she had to think about it.

  She glanced at her watch and was pleased she would be back in time for the rodeo. Truth be told, she was looking forward to it. Not all I'm looking forward to. Delaney missed being in his arms. Missed his scent. Missed the way his voice flowed over her.

  "Thank you, Ms. Byrd."

  Snapped out of her reverie, Delaney looked up and smiled at the blue-eyed man standing before her. “Anything I can do to help, Admiral Welker. You know I will do it."

  The older man smiled at her and took her hand. “I know, but you seem to be called on more often than not. And the USO can't thank you enough. And what is this Admiral Welker crap? I'm Uncle Jeremy to you. Always have been, always will be."

  She flushed at the subtle reprimand. She'd known Admiral Jeremy Welker since she stood knee-high to a grasshopper. The man had changed her diapers for crying out loud.

  "And I'm Delaney to you.” She teased him back. “I'm just glad I can help. Your sailors and marines along with the other members are the ones who deserve the thanks.” She squeezed his hand. “You tell my uncle, next time you see him at your golf game, that I send my love."

  His face flushed and he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I'll do that. Drive carefully."

  She waved at him and walked away, knowing her bags would already be in the vehicle taking her to her car. Her uncle, Wes Byrd, was a Rear Admiral, a two star, who poured most of his free time into helping out the USO. He'd been the one to raise her, as her parents were deadbeats among other things, and so it had seemed natural for her to follow his example of service. She didn't join the Navy though, but was devoted to helping the USO.

  Once she returned home, she took a quick shower and called Heather. Soon her friend was there and Heather glared at her.

  "Seriously? You want me to go with you to a rodeo? Like as in dirt and cows?"

  Delaney shook with laughter at the appalled look on Heather's face. “Come on, Heather. Please. I just got back; you don't want me going alone, do you?"

  Her friend narrowed her eyes. “Aren't you meeting your man there?"

  "He's competing. Come on. Who knows, you may find a man you like."

  Heather snorted and sighed dramatically. “Fine. This counts as your birthday present."

  Tying on her shoes, Delaney said, “You've already given me my birthday present. But if it makes you feel better we can call it a Christmas gift."

  "That works."

  Before too long they were striding through the entrance to the arena to find a seat. Delaney sidestepped a tall body and at the Oomph! she heard, figured that Heather hadn't been so lucky. Turning to make sure her friend was okay, she bit back her question at the sight of Heather held in a handsome man's arms.

  "You okay, darlin'?"

  Heather's mouth moved a few times before any sound came out. “F...fine,” she muttered.

  He set her back on her feet and ran his gaze over her one more time before tipping his hat at her and walking off. Delaney fought back laughter. Heather Trells was a lot of things but speechless was not a word Delaney would ever think of using with her. Arrogant, cold, calculating attorney were some. But not speechless.

  "Yeah, it's a shame all cowboys are ugly,” Delaney murmured while peering around Heather's side to watch the hunk stride away.

  "Oh my,” Heather breathed.

  "Come on you. I'm sure you'll see him later on. Let's go find some seats."

  They found themselves walking through the holding pens and toward the seats.

  "Well hell, sugar. You're a sight for sore eyes."

  That Texas drawl stopped her so fast, Heather ran into her. Jerking her head to the left, Delaney bit her lower lip and smiled at the sight before her. Garrick Stark stood there. He wore a dark blue button-down denim shirt and tight black jeans. Upon his head sat a black cowboy hat which he pushed back with his thumb as he closed the distance and drew her into his arms.

  "Garrick,” she purred, arching into him. The rest of the noise faded into nothingness.

  His tongue swept through her mouth with startling efficiency. In mere seconds her body was aflame for something only he could douse. She felt like pudding when the kiss ended. His eyes stared down at her from beneath the brim of his hat and his thick black lashes.

  "Welcome home, sugar."

  "Hi,” she whispered.

  He released her and looked at Heather. “Good to see you again, Heather."

  "And you,” she said, her gaze moving methodically around the arena.

  Garrick looked at her and lifted a brow. Delaney stepped closer and rose up on tiptoe to whisper in his ear.

  "Do you know a cowboy who's wearing a white and blue plaid shirt, white hat and blue jeans? Tall, about your height?"

  Garrick frowned. “You're in my arms asking me about another man, sugar?"

  "Yes. Because I know you're secure enough to help me find him for Heather. They ran into each other and I swear, Garrick, I've never seen her speechless before."

  "I think I know who you mean. I'll see what I can do. Go grab your seat sugar; I need to know you're ready to cheer me on."

  She rubbed her hand along his washboard stomach. “I'm ready to do more than that, Captain Stark. So you do what you have to then I get you for the rest of the night."

  "Yes ma'am.” He bent her backward and kissed her again. “One minor change there, I'm yours for much longer than just the rest of the night."

  "Make me proud,” she muttered before stepping back. Looping her arm through Heather's she began walking off.

  She and Heather got a seat close to the floor of the arena. They talked as they watched the men and women perform. When Heather's mystery man showed up her mouth snapped shut like a steel trap and her gaze never left him from where he hung on to the bronc he rode.

  Delaney laughed and cheered as some of the men from NAS Pensacola did their part to help raise money. She sat on the edge of her seat when it was time for the steer wrestling, or bulldogging, as Garrick called it. When he finished and his time was ahead of everyone else, she flew out of her seat and screamed right along with everyone else. Toward the end of the rodeo, Garrick had the highest number of points. They did the barrel racing and Delaney cheered on som
e of the women she knew. Then it was time for the calf roping.

  She and Heather were on their feet cheering when it was announced that Marine pilot Captain Garrick Stark had gotten the highest score. Delaney whistled as he walked out to the center and tipped his hat to everyone.

  The announcer shook his hand and faced the crowd. “Okay, everyone. This has been a great day. We raised an amazing amount for charity, so give yourselves a hand.” More cheering. “Now, one final thing. All the cowboys participating knew that if they were to win, they got a dinner on us at Arturo's. And from the way they were competing with one another they also must have known that they would be escorting the queen of the rodeo, Ms. Callie Houser.” The man smacked Garrick on the shoulder. “Congratulations, Captain Stark. Have fun!"

  Delaney felt nauseous. Riding across the dirt arena was the queen of the rodeo. Callie Houser was a beautiful stacked blonde. Her attire reminded Delaney of the cheerleading outfits of the Dallas Cowboys. “I need to go,” she muttered.

  "Right behind you, sweetie,” Heather said.

  Delaney didn't argue when Heather took the keys from her and drove. Her phone rang and in her distress, she ignored it. Heather drove her to her condo and handed her a glass of wine moments after she sat down.

  "He knew he was competing for a date with her. He knew."

  Garrick Stark stood at attention before his commanding officer. It didn't matter that he wasn't in uniform or that he was still dusty and dirty from the rodeo.

  "What's on your mind, Paladin?"

  "Sir. With all due respect. I agreed to participate in the rodeo. I held up that end but I can't, I won't take Ms. Houser out."

  Hammer crossed his arms. “Why not? She's a looker."

  "It has nothing to do with her looks, sir."

  "Then what's the problem?"

  "My girlfriend.” Garrick swallowed and wondered if he could still call her that. He'd seen Delaney get up and move like wildfire when the announcement came. “Not to mention she just got back from being away for six weeks. I'd planned on spending the evening with her."

  "I didn't know you had a girlfriend. Have I met her?"

  Garrick was at the end of his patience. “I don't know, sir. Her name is Delaney Byrd, works in the USO."

  Hammer's brown brows furrowed. “Byrd...Byrd.” His eyes widened. “As in the niece of Rear Admiral Wes Byrd?"

  Garrick hesitated. I didn't even put it together. “I think so, yes sir."

  "Well, you know Ms. Houser's looking forward to going out with you."

  "I'll explain it to her, sir. But I'm sorry. I can't take her out."

  "She's waiting for you right outside the door."

  He ground his jaw. “Will that be all, sir?"


  Garrick nodded once and walked to the door. Sure enough, Callie Houser stood on the other side, but she wasn't alone. There were guys with cameras there as well.

  She smiled and said, “Well, now. There's my handsome marine."

  "Can I have a word, ma'am?” Garrick asked.

  Her face sobered. “Sure. Where?"

  As an answer, Garrick opened a door to an empty room. Then he shut it on the flashing cameras. With a deep breath he faced her and saw kindness in her gaze. Her eyes fell and she wrung her hands before her.

  "You don't want to go out with me."

  "I'm sorry, ma'am. I have a girlfriend and I've not seen her in six weeks. She just got back today. I'd be honored to take you around the base but I'm afraid I can't take you out on a dinner date."

  Callie trailed her fingers along the smooth desk in the room. “I'd love a tour and I wouldn't want to come between you and your girlfriend. I understand. Was she at the rodeo?"


  "So it was a surprise to her as well."

  "To say the least, yes.” Garrick ran a hand over his short hair. “I can meet you out front if you give me a few moments to get changed."

  "You know, I can talk to your girlfriend and tell her you didn't know. If you think it would help."

  "No, but thank you. I'll be right back."

  Garrick slipped out of the room and pushed by the cameras that were there. Just what I don't need, me taking you with me to Delaney's, or having you call her. In the locker room, Garrick showered quickly and stood dressed in his pants when Hollywood walked around the corner.

  "Congrats,” the blond said.

  "Thanks. What are you doing here?"

  Hollywood shrugged. “Just worked out."

  Reaching for his shirt, Garrick tugged it on over his head. “I see.” Look pretty dry for a man who claims to have just worked out. “Well, have a good one. I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Enjoy your night,” Hollywood said with a smile.

  "I plan on it. You too.” There's something up with him. Stuffing his keys into his pocket, he strode out of the room and headed outside. He was grateful to see Callie had put on some more clothing. Not much, but she did wear more. “Ready?” he asked.

  "Absolutely,” she said with a brilliant smile.

  His mind on Delaney, Garrick walked off to the vehicle left for their use. Delaney! As the tour went on, Garrick found he actually liked Callie. He chuckled when he watched the guys who stopped to stare at them when they would go by. The second to the last spot, Garrick spotted the guy he'd been hoping to see.

  "Excuse me for a moment,” he said.

  "No problem,” Callie responded, sitting down on the stone retaining wall.

  "Jazz!” Garrick hurried up to his friend's side.

  "Hey man. Lucky bastard. I hear you've got a date with that hottie over there."

  "Actually, Jazz. I need to know if you'd stand in for me. I've taken her on the tour but I can't go to dinner with her."

  "Delaney not understanding?” the man asked even as his gaze was drawn back to Callie.

  "Not understanding? The first either of us knew about my supposed date with Callie was when it was announced."

  Jazz whistled low. “Ohhh, I see. Well, I'd be more than happy to take her out to dinner. Think she'd mind going with a good looking man?"

  "Of course not, but we just went over this. I can't take her, that's why I'm asking you.” Jazz punched him in the shoulder and Garrick laughed. “Come on, I'll introduce you."

  Standing by his truck, Garrick waved as Callie Houser and Lieutenant Colonel Daniel “Jazz” Harvin left to go to Arturo's for dinner. That done, he could now focus on what was important to him. Delaney. Lifting his phone, Garrick paused, staring at the number.

  You'll just ignore my call or hang up on me, Delaney. I need a face to face. Climbing into his truck, Garrick headed off base and to her apartment. He breathed a bit easier when he saw her Denali out front. Parking quickly, he dashed up to her door and rang the doorbell.


  Garrick frowned and knocked. Still nothing. “Delaney?!” he hollered through the door. Silence reined. Shit!

  "Hey Captain,” a young voice said.

  Garrick looked up to see her neighbor's son, Jason, coming up the hall. “Howdy, Jason. Have you seen, Delaney?"

  "Not since she left with Miss Heather."


  The boy waved and headed to his apartment. Garrick reached for his phone and had it up to his ear when he made it back out into the early autumn afternoon. It rang and he growled low when it went to voice mail. “Delaney, call me back please. Anytime just as soon as you get this."

  He drove to a park he and Delaney had come to on occasion, sat on the tailgate, and stared out over the Gulf of Mexico. Sighing heavily, Garrick pulled out his phone and pressed a button. When that call ended in a message, he fought the urge to chuck the device into the Gulf. He called Delaney again while heading back to her apartment. This time he frowned when he noticed her Denali was gone. Checking his phone, he grumbled under his breath when he realized she hadn't left a message for him. Still, he went to her door and knocked. There was no answer.

  Behind the wheel of his truck,
he swore. “Fuck it all, this is not how I had planned to spend her first night back.” The sight of her vehicle returning perked him up, only to slam him back down when it wasn't her who got out from the driver's seat. It was her friend Troy.

  Jumping out, Garrick hurried toward him. “Troy!"

  The tall man glanced over his shoulder at him and smiled. “Hey Garrick. What are you doing here? I thought you'd be with Delaney at Heather's."

  So that's where you are, sugar. “I just got done on base.” Troy nodded. “Thanks though, I must have misheard to meet her here."

  "No problem. See you later.” Troy headed up into the building.

  His slight smile faded when he headed back to his truck. Like I have a fuckin’ clue where Heather lives. Or her number. Again in the driver's seat, Garrick tried her cell phone one more time.

  "Call me back, sugar. Or come to the base n’ to my room. I'll be there waiting to hear from you.” And that's what he did.

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  Chapter Six

  * * * *

  "No, Heather. I'm fine. I think I just want to go home and lay down."

  There was an unusually gentle expression on Heather's face when she sat beside her and held one of her hands. “Sweetie, I don't want to leave you alone."

  Looking past her best friend, Delaney gazed at the hard body of the cowboy leaning against the wall, then met Heather's brown eyes. “Please. Go out, have fun. Just remember I want details.” She smiled at her and squeezed her hand. “I'm fine, Heather. Honest."

  "What about him?” she growled sounding like an angry she-bear.

  "He's left messages. I'll call him back and hopefully we can work this out. I have to believe in a man sometime, Heather. Now is as good a time as any. Now go, get out of here.” Delaney stood and drew Heather up with her. “You two have fun."

  Chance Becklen, the cowboy, strode towards them. His blue eyes stared at her. “You sure we can't persuade you to join us?"

  "No. But thank you. Go, have fun."

  "Let us give you a ride at least,” Chance said running a hand through his sandy-blond hair.

  "I'm not that far from here. I'll be fine. The walk will do me some good.” Delaney kissed Heather's cheek and shook Chance's hand. “Have a great night."