Tryst with the CEO (Cottonwood Falls Book 9) Page 5
“Something I can do for the group of you enchanting reporters? I was on my way home.” She made sure to meet and hold each of their gazes.
“Are you and Mr. Perrot announcing your engagement?”
She drew back as if the man had reached out and physically struck her.
“Excuse me? What would make you ask that? You’ve known for months that I am his personal assistant. Nothing else. There haven’t ever been any suggestions that we are engaged. Is the news really that slow?”
“Really? His personal assistant? You were in the mailroom and then one day you were just up and promoted to his personal assistant?”
It was a good thing they couldn’t see the rapid beating of her heart or the way her lungs struggled to get air. She’d perfected over the time she’d been with Jack, the ability to keep her expression smooth.
But this, this was too much. And it was her own damn fault because it had been the sex that had him bringing her up to his floor and working directly to him.
“Just because you lot seem to search for the worst in what happens, doesn’t mean it actually does.” Keep control. Perhaps if I do this, they won’t think I’m hiding anything. Deep controlled breaths.
“I thought you’d gone home for the day, Ms. Fitzgerald.”
Jack’s deep voice wove around her.
She glanced over her shoulder to see him, striding toward her. Expression cold and as the world saw him, not how she preferred to see him. rumbled, smiling, happy. Now her heart skipped for an entirely different reason.
Neela didn’t believe this would end well, he wasn’t in a good mood. One of his investors overseas had been trying to undermine the purpose of their company and he’d been irritated all day.
“On my way, as I told you. But they are holding me up.”
He paused beside her, scowl firmly in place. “What is the problem?”
She crossed her arms. “Apparently we have been keeping our upcoming engagement from them.”
He scoffed. “What? Why the hell would I marry you? You’re just my assistant.”
Funny, the blade stabbed into her heart hurt a lot more than she’d conditioned herself to be expecting. Every day she gave herself a mental reminder that it was going to hurt when this thing, whatever it was, between her and Jack ended. Right then in that moment those words left his mouth.
No matter how much I planned for this, I never could have expected hearing him scoff like I was no better than shit on the bottom of his shoe, to be so painful.
She gave him a smile, tight, but still a smile. Within her chest she knew it was simply because she was playing for the observers.
“No need to have such disdain in your voice when you state what I’ve already told them.”
“What are they thinking? That you are buying your way into my bed?” He laughed at his own comment. “Please.” He glanced at those around him. “She couldn’t afford me.”
He settled his hand along the small of her back yet for the first time since he’d ever touched her, it wasn’t heat that spiraled through her, but an icy dance of fingers along her spine that chilled her more than any single experience ever had.
“She was on her way out, let her through.”
Her decision came instantly, and she paused, not letting him nudge her forward any further. “Actually, I have to go back inside. I forgot something. Excuse me.” She broke free of his touch and turned on her heel, lengthening her not-to-impressive stride, to get away from him before she broke down.
She didn’t go to the office because Ms. Donna would most definitely be at her desk and that would give way to questions. Namely why she was crying. And I’m not in the mood to answer them. No, instead she headed for the closest restroom and locked the door behind her, needing not to have anyone walk in on her. At least not until I get my shit together.
Neela took a deep breath and gripped the sink, staring at her reflection. Eyes leaked traitorous tears, and she shook. She swore and snapped the handles of the faucets to full power. The water streamed down filling the porcelain basin. Plunging her hands in, she splashed it on her face until the presence of tears had been wiped away.
The water ran while she dried her face on the paper towels. Using the wadded sheets, she eventually killed the wastefulness she’d been allowing. Even so, she didn’t move away from where she stood. As she stared at herself, she could see the mask settling into place. There would be time to mourn later, right now, she had things to do.
With a deep breath she walked to the door, unlocked it and headed for the elevator as if she owned the damn place and had a plan. To be fair, she did.
In the elevator, she smoothed her hand down the front of her suit coat. Last time I will be wearing this. The doors slid open, and she stepped through with a calm expression in place.
“I thought you left for the day, hon.”
Chapter Five
Neela sat on her bed, legs drawn up at the knees with her hands locked about her shins. Anger simmered within her gut. Her tears had long since dried.
As much as she wanted to blame Jack for everything, she couldn’t. Correction, she could, however she despised women who put it all the man when something went wrong. True, many times it was them who deserved the blame, but she was a grown woman. And for that, she would take responsibility for her own actions.
Sleeping with her boss came with risks and those had happened. And she’d been caught, lost that job and had been labeled a lot of things she hated. Even now a few reporters hounded her, asking why if nothing had been between them did she quit? However, she wasn’t going to cower. At least not in public. Private was an entirely different thing.
“Perfectly explains why I’ve been sitting here all day crying my eyes out.”
So today was harder than previous days had been for whatever reason.
“No more tears.”
Neela glanced up in time to see her very good friends, Velli and Mara coming through the door, dressed to kill in clubbing outfits.
“What are you talking about? I’m not crying. Anymore. I’m pissed.”
Velli shrugged. “Pissed, blubbering. Who cares, let’s go.”
“Shut it you impatient bitch.” Mara strode up to Neela, long legs accentuated by the killer heels she wore. Iridescent dark blue, perfectly matched to her form fitting dress. “We need her dressed properly. She’s not going out in fucking flannel pj’s. I refuse to be seen in her presence dressed like that. I have standards.”
Neela peered down at her favorite pale green and gray checkered flannel pajama pants. Her top was an oversized wolf sweatshirt. Perfect lounging wear.
“Nothing wrong with my clothes,” she muttered on her way to the portion of her closet she didn’t use often. In fact, the only reason she had any dresses in there was because of the very women in her room with her. On her way over there, she sidestepped around the large box, Paulson had picked up for her to pack all the outfits purchased by Jack for her stint as his personal assistant. She didn’t feel right keeping them. What he did with them after she returned them wasn’t her issue.
“If I had your curves, Neela, I’d only wear tight dresses to show them off.” Mara moved up behind her, hands on hips, lips twisted in a mix of jealously and admiration.
“You have curves, Mara.” She stared at her friend in the mirror’s reflection. “Don’t start that.”
Mara flipped her off, her black hair gathered up on her head, showing off her graceful neck. “Get dressed. Wear something sexy. Tonight we’re knocking this town on its ass.”
After sticking out her tongue, Neela turned her attention to the task at hand of finding the perfect outfit.
Two hours and thirty minutes later, she stared past her reflection to the women behind her. “While I have to admit I look sexy as fuck in this, it would have been hella easier for y’all to just tell me what to wear instead of making me try on six goddamn outfits.”
“Of course you do, I chose it.” Velli stared at her fingernails
as if she spied a chip which wasn’t the case, Neela knew that without even seeing them. Velli didn’t do out of place. Hell, even right now she looked like a goddamn picture image of Jessica Rabbit.
Rolling her eyes at Velli’s comment, she returned her attention to her own reflection. Damn. I look good.
“Let’s face it, I enjoy watching you parade around naked. You get all flushed the more aggravated you become. Five minutes and I promise to make you forget all about that man you’ve been sleeping with.” Velli smiled and beckoned to her. “Come take a stroll on this side of the fence.”
Another eye roll. “I’d take you up on that ever so tantalizing offer, but your wife would kill me plus you don’t have it in you to cheat on her.”
Velli moved up behind her and dipped her head to whisper, “Carla would be fine with it, especially if we let her join in.”
Neela snorted. “Whatever. Let’s go.”
Velli took her arm and Mara’s. They headed as a group to the door. Outside a long sleek limo awaited them.
“Really?” Neela gazed at her friends.
“You deserve it. We want it back to him that you’re not at home hiding in embarrassment, but out, living it up, looking sexy and most importantly, moving on.” Mara gestured around.
“Let’s go.” Velli motioned them toward the open door.
“Head up.” Mara patted her on the ass.
God, she loved her friends.
“Always.” Even so, she lifted her chin a few notches as she went to the car to climb in and slid over the supple leather seat.
They went to a restaurant for an early dinner. A place Jack hadn’t wanted to take. Said, she wouldn’t enjoy it.
She was determined to.
As the three women walked in, she sure as hell enjoyed turning all those heads.
This is like the movies where the beautiful women all either come around the corner or step outside. The action dropped to slow motion and all eyes were on them.
“Yep, just like that,” she murmured.
After they enjoyed their meal, they attended a Circe de Solei event. An experience that blew her mind with all the beauty and pageantry.
“Are you tired?” Mara demanded as the car cruised silently along the street.
“No.” She smiled and wriggled her toes inside her thigh high boots. “Just wallowing in the afterglow.”
Mara smirked. “I thought Velli didn’t touch you.”
“Had I touched her like that, she would be unable to walk much less speak. Those firm thighs would still be quivering.”
Heat flushed her cheeks. “Leave my thighs out of this. Firm or not.”
“Firm,” Velli chortled. “Very firm. Let’s go sing some karaoke.”
Neela perked up. “Haven’t done that in forever. Let’s go.”
Mara leaned forward and picked up the phone connecting her to the driver where she gave him their next destination. Velli poured them all a drink. With smiles they toasted and drank the champagne.
They rode laughing and reliving past adventures. When the limo pulled up to the bar, the urge to sing buzzed below her skin.
Together, the women walked in the establishment. The place was busy. A couple sang to the encouragement of the raucous crowd.
God, she couldn’t wait to get up there.
They pushed through to the bar and got another drink each before grabbing a table. An hour or so later as she made her way back to the table from a bathroom break, he, strode through the door as if he owned the place.
Hell, for all I know, he may.
Her thong grew damp, simply at the sight of him. It wasn’t fair. Flicking her tongue along her lips, she took a deep breath, pushed back her shoulders and headed for her friends.
At the table, she plucked Velli’s drink from her hand and downed it, her eyes watered and she sputtered from the burn.
“What the fuck is that?”
“Help yourself,” Velli drawled, taking back her glass. “It ain’t one of your fruity pussy drinks for sure. What gives?”
“He just walked in and I think it’s time for me to sing another song.”
The women looked in the direction she’d pointed and muttered unpleasantries beneath their breath. Velli nodded and rose.
“It is time for your solo and I know just the one to give you.”
She immediately shook her head. “I don’t need your help, in fact, I think I should skip a turn.”
“Fuck no. And you’re not running.”
“Who said I was running?” She crossed her arms briefly.
“So it’s normal for you to down Jack like its water? And I’m talking the alcohol, not the man.”
She let that go aware a response would garner something she wasn’t quite ready to get from them. “So that’s what that crap was? Figures. No wonder it burned like hell.”
Velli grinned and waved her toward the emcee who currently announced her next stage performance. Velli stopped at the guy running the music and spoke to him while Neela ascended the stage.
Neela wasn’t a shy person by any means but as the room fell silent, she nearly hesitated. Refusing to back down, she tossed her hair and stepped to the mike.
The music began and her lips curved up as it dawned on her what song Velli had chosen. Her friend was right. This was what she needed. Time to rock it.
Jack couldn’t tear his gaze from the woman on stage. Neela had the attention of everyone in the building. Men and women alike. Part of him wanted to dash up there and cover her with his jacket. The other part wanted to beat his chest and toss her over his shoulder.
He’d been searching for her even since he’d been a fucking dumbass and yelled at her in front of others, pouring out all their private business to them. It was now on social media and she’d been labeled a gold digging whore.
A call from a guy he’d consider an acquaintance informed him that she was here with some friends. No advanced warning could have prepared him for the sight that met him.
Her dress was scarlet red, and those beautiful toned legs of hers that he loved having wrapped around him as he fucked her, were covered in leather of the same ‘fuck me’ color. The dress was off the shoulder with short sleeves, a bit larger in the top and fitted for the skirt with ruching. The boots also had the ruching, along with some four-inch heels and pointed toe.
His cock roared to life, throbbing with a need to sink between those firm thighs and fuck her until the only words out of her mouth were either “yes” or “Jack.”
He knew she spied him but she didn’t stop from going up on the stage. In fact, she didn’t do anything other than look away from him.
Arrogant? Sure. She could act however she wanted, but he had no doubt she saw him there.
Her hair fell around her face in soft ringlets, shining in the bright stage light. Music began and he along with everyone else fell silent.
She brushed her hand through her hair, the silver bracelets glinting in the light. Her tongue flicked over her lips as she closed her eyes and began to sing. A strong powerful alto poured from her and he was mesmerized. All over again.
Her eyes ripped open, pinning him as she belted out the lyrics from “I’m Still Standing” never once taking her gaze from him. Not that he could look away. Or wanted to. Eventually the words sank into him and he realized she was announcing that she was fine with moving on alone.
No, he wasn’t ready to claim this over between them. He needed her.
Somewhere deep within her, he prayed she needed him as well.
Neela had the entire place rocking as she finished up. The moment she was done, she spun on her heels and strode off to thunderous applause. He tracked her and watched as she joined two other women at a table.
Jack hesitated a mere minute before he strode off in her direction, weaving through the tables as if they weren’t there, ignoring the heavy crowd he shoved through, until he stood before her and her friends. All three peered up at him before glancing away without a word to focus on t
he person who took the stage after Neela.
“A word, Neela.”
She slashed her gaze to him. “Try not to be disrespectful to the one on stage. I know it’s hard for you when you’re used to everyone bowing to you and treating you as if you’re a god. It takes a lot for some people to get up there and it’s rude to be standing there talking. Isn’t this kind of place beneath you and all your money?”
A few people around them were listening in. He accepted her reprimand, always had and would always do so. She meant something to him so he was not going to challenge that as he would have it come from anyone else.
Still, he couldn’t help searching for a bit of hurt in her tone. Unfortunately for him, all he found in that hunt was cold anger, no sign of pain.
Without taking his gaze from her, he yanked a chair from a nearby table and sat pressing his leg against hers. Scowling when she shifted away from his touch and refused to look in his direction, he settled his hand along the top of her boot, wishing he could delve beneath the leather and caress the silken skin of her leg. Her entire body stiffened, but she held her tongue and didn’t make a scene.
Not until the song was over. Then she gripped his wrist and moved his hand before she stood. Her friends mimicking the action. He tipped his head to gaze at her and crack!
She smacked him hard.
“You lost the right to touch me when you accused me of sleeping with you to get to the top. When you did nothing to defend me to those around you calling me a whore. You’re not my boss, in fact, your nothing to me. So take your millions or billions, whatever it is, I don’t care, never did—not that you cared what I thought—and do whatever you were doing before we met in Georgia.”
“Fucking his way through the female population.”
He ignored the harsh comment from the sexy redhead.
Neela shrugged. “There you go then.” A brief glimpse to her friends before she spoke once more. “Shall we go ladies? There is still night left and this place suddenly has lost its appeal to me.”
“Five minutes, Neela.”
Christ, he was seconds away from tossing her over his shoulder to lock her away in his room.