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And We've Come Full Circle (A Graham Family Story Book 2) Page 2
And We've Come Full Circle (A Graham Family Story Book 2) Read online
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He nodded, for she was right. Once he moved around the car, Stone stepped close and opened the door for her. His gaze stuck to her long smooth, chocolaty legs and he bit his lower lip, a groan slipping out. Gesturing for her to lower the window, he rested his arms on the ledge.
“Where do you work? And what were you doing out here?”
Her gaze narrowed slightly. “I work in Rapid City and I was out here to talk to a young man, Chaz Running Elk, and his family about the opportunities he could have by joining the Navy.” Jasira flashed him a grin. “Going to check out my story?”
He licked his lips and enjoyed the flare of heat in her eyes. “I just may, I just may.”
“Knock yourself out, Sheriff. If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get back. Thanks for not giving me a ticket earlier. I really appreciate it.”
Leaning in close, invading her space, he whispered, “My pleasure. And stop calling me sheriff. My name is Stone Black Hawk.” He removed her hand from the wheel and kissed the back of it, loving the silkiness of her skin beneath his lips. “Consider us officially introduced.”
Jasira’s nose flared and the pulse on her neck increased. So nice to know I’m not the only one feeling something between us.
“Nice to meet you, Stone Black Hawk.” Her lashes drifted closed briefly before she stared at him again. “It’s been interesting.”
As he was about to say something else, her phone rang.
“Excuse me,” she muttered then answered her phone. “Petty Officer Graham.”
Stone stepped back with great reluctance and she put her window up. With a small wave, she drove away. Like before, Stone didn’t move until her car had totally disappeared from view. Standing there, thumbs hooked in his pockets, Stone accepted the word that floated on the wind. Tokatakiya. The future.
She was that. His future. Nimitawa ktelo. Ohinyan! You will be mine. Forever!
He sighed and headed for his vehicle. Climbing in, he noticed Dawn watching from the window. Well, that interaction is going to be all over the Rez in no time. Stone didn’t head home as he’d intended. Instead, he turned toward the home of Chaz Running Elk.
Chapter Two
Stone Black Hawk.
Jasira groaned. He’d been first and foremost in her mind for the past few days. I can’t help it. The man is a walking ad for sex appeal. Plain and simple. Tall, powerful, muscular. Coal black hair that hung past his shoulders. His skin a beautiful bronzed tan.
“The man is just what dreams are made of.”
There had been something magnetic about him. When he leaned in the car, it had taken such restraint not to lean over and kiss him on those firm, bow-shaped lips.
“It doesn’t make sense. Guys don’t do this to me.” And none ever had. Not until him.
With a frustrated sigh, Jasira climbed to her feet and began restocking the pamphlets. A few moments before closing, she was in the back room straightening up when she heard the chime.
“Man, I was really hoping on getting out of here on time.”
Putting down the items in her hand, she headed through the door and stopped dead in her tracks. Standing before the wall display of Navy information, thumbing through a flyer was none other than her sheriff. Jasira drank him in. Another pair of skin tight blue jeans and cowboy boots. His green shirt hugged powerful biceps and a chiseled torso. His hair fell loose about his face and he held his cowboy hat in one hand.
Well they got the name right. Dude looks like he’s carved out of granite.
She licked her lips and strode toward him. “Looking to enlist?” Jasira questioned teasingly.
He lifted his head and their eyes met. Stone had intensely dark brown eyes. So dark they almost appeared black. A lazy and most definitely sexy grin filled his masculine features.
“I don’t know. I’m older than most recruits. Think they’d take me?”
I would! Bound and determined not to actually verbalize that thought, Jasira merely smiled. She focused on his hands. Large and strong with long fingers and clean, square nails. Finally her curiosity got the best of her.
“What are you doing here?”
He replaced the pamphlet and strode toward her. She gulped. He moves so fluidly. Like the wind.
“I came to see you,” he uttered on a low thread of promise.
Her knees trembled at the silken vow. His voice nothing short of lethal on her senses. I could get used to him calling me by my full name. Oh, so used to it.
“Why, may I ask?” A close crack of thunder made her jump. Stone never flinched. With a deep breath she continued. “Change your mind about the ticket?” Looking past Stone’s large body, Jasira watched the sky open up.
“Why have you come?” he questioned, pulling her attention from the deluge outside and back to him.
She frowned. “I’m sorry? This is my office; you came here.”
Stone stepped closer and she found herself engulfed by a scent that sent tremors along her spinal cord. I never knew a man could smell so good. It was a culmination of rugged masculinity and raw power. She had no idea that was a smell which could be bottled, and it may not, but it was Stone’s scent. He murmured something which she couldn’t understand and reached for her face only to stop before he actually completed the touch.
“Have dinner with me?” he asked. Jasira narrowed her eyes slightly, and he cocked his head to the side. “Supper? The evening meal?” He continued to stare at her as he talked. “Are you dating someone, involved, or married?”
He gazed at her with such intensity, Jasira wanted to shift. “I have to go change, but I could meet you somewhere. Not dating, married, or otherwise involved.”
Stone flashed a grin that melted her insides. “Wonderful. Want to meet at seven at the place just up from here?”
“The steakhouse?”
“Yes. Unless you would prefer somewhere else.”
My bed. “No, that’s fine. I just have to close up here then I’ll be there by seven.” Her belly flipped at the prospect of spending the evening with this handsome man.
Stone smiled and it stopped her heart. He had a dimple in his right cheek, which only succeeded to make him even sexier. “Wonderful,” he said. “I’ll see you then.”
His gaze held hers for a few highly charged moments. Spinning his hat in his hand, he plunked it down upon his head, turned, and walked out, disappearing in the darkness and rain.
“What a man,” Jasira muttered softly as she began closing up for the night.
Not long after and she was home showering. Later when she stood before her closet, Jasira’s heart began beating out of control. Sitting at the foot of her platform bed, she took several deep breaths.
“Get a grip, Jasira, it’s just a meal.”
However, as she slid into her outfit, Jasira wasn’t positive about that. Right off the bat, she’d felt something she couldn’t explain with this man. Tugging on her black back-laced boots, she sighed. There’s no need to figure everything out right now. But man, what a nice distraction for my last year here.
Jasira drove carefully through the rain and arrived about five minutes early. She strode from the parking lot to the door under the protection of her umbrella and, just as it had in the office, her breath caught when her gaze landed upon Stone leaning against the wall, dry under the awning. As she approached, he pushed lazily away and a slow, sensual smile spread across his face, giving birth to a colony of butterflies in her belly.
“Hey,” she said shyly, stopping beside him and closing her umbrella.
His gaze heated exponentially as he took in her attire. Despite the wet and cold of the night, Jasira felt warmth unfurl in her belly and flow throughout her body.
“Wow,” he muttered.
In that second, Jasira knew she’d picked the right outfit. The tight sheath dress, black with hints of rose in it accentuated every curve she possessed. The long boots helped her legs. Stone took her umbrella and opened the door for her. Jasira fought the urge to nuzzle against him and a
llow his scent to embed into everything. She shivered at the electricity skating along her spine when his hand settled upon the small of her back. His thumb moved slowly back and forth, sending small pulses through her.
Once they were seated in their booth, she stared at her dinner companion. The urge to reach over the table, sink her hands into his thick hair, and kiss him washed over her. She shifted in the booth only to still when he arched a brow and held her gaze.
“Tell me about you,” he commanded in a low tone.
“What do you want to know?”
The smoldering heat flared up again in his eyes before he controlled it. “Tell me what scared you that day.”
Okay, not what I expected. Jasira worried her lower lip as they placed their order. The second the waitress left he turned his piercing gaze upon her. Noise from the restaurant filtered around them, but silence lay heavy between them as they stared across the booth at one another. Jasira honestly was hesitant to tell him. She hadn’t accepted what she’d seen herself. That event played over and over in her ever since it happened.
“Tell me,” he said again, after a considerable stretch of easy silence, and taking a drink of his soda.
“If I do, you’re gonna skip the ticket and just have me committed.”
She held her tongue while their food was delivered. Staring at her steak, Jasira took a deep breath then looked up. Stone must have been waiting for her, for his dark gaze had fixed upon her. Jasira could feel the pain she had felt Saturday. Not as intense but enough to rattle her.
* * * *
Stone could tell she didn’t feel totally comfortable. But she took a deep breath and licked her lips before beginning to talk.
“I don’t know where I was exactly when it happened, but I felt like a wave of pain was washing over me. Like souls crying out in pain.” She shook her head.
Could it be true? Stone fought back the urge to press her with more questions, opting instead for her to talk at her own speed. Watching her drink some water, Stone shifted when her tongue snuck out to lick the remaining moisture from her lips—a simple action that caused a huge sexual reaction within him.
“The reason I swerved was…was because I thought I saw a man on horseback coming straight at me. After I stopped, I realized I’d obviously been mistaken for there was no man or horse there. Then you pulled me over.”
Stone sat there and stared at her. What she’d described had happened to him along that same stretch of road. He chalked it up to his heritage, but hearing Jasira say the same thing, he wasn’t so sure about that anymore.
“It was like something out of a movie. One second it was me and the road…the next this black horse is barreling down the asphalt, but I could see the dust cloud that each hoof stirred up. I don’t know. The man had black marks on his face, like war paint maybe, and his bow ready with an arrow. Which was aimed directly ahead and from my point of view that meant at me.” Jasira ran her hand over her brow. “I don’t know. I’ve ran it over and over in my head, trying to convince myself I was having a hallucination. But it…it seemed so flipping real.”
Stone leaned forward. “Did you hear drums?” The way her eyes narrowed, he knew he’d delivered yet another question which threw her.
Her brows furrowed as she stabbed a green bean. “Drums. Drums? No. My iPod was going, and I was listening to it.”
His heart pounded erratically. Flames of need burned in his blood. “And since, have you seen anything like it?”
“Not other than when I replay it in my head.”
Stone could see she still struggled with this so he changed the topic slightly. “How long have you been here in Rapid City?”
“A little over two years.”
“And you do this recruiting thing often?”
She chuckled and ate a bite of her steak. After she swallowed, Jasira said, “No. I’m in my last year of that. Then I’ll be back out to sea. Or at least back on the coast.” Relief resided in her tone at that statement.
Eating the last of his roll, Stone questioned. “What do you usually do?”
“I’m a CTI.” He lifted his eyebrows and she got the hint. “A CTI is a Cryptological Technician, an interpretive one.”
He thought about that for a moment. “So you’re a code breaker?”
“In a nutshell. I deal with radiotelephone comms and foreign language translations.”
Stone smiled. “Somehow I bet there’s more to you, than what could fit in a nutshell.”
The corners of her eyes crinkled as she grinned. “Doesn’t sound so bad when you say it as opposed to when Justice does.”
Jealousy reared within him. Who the hell is Justice, and why does she say his name with such affection? Adopting what he hoped was a calm and controlled tone, Stone asked, “And he is?”
It was like she knew. The tiniest of smiles flitted across her full tempting lips. As much as he wanted an answer, Stone craved the feel of his mouth on hers even more. It took a great deal of control to remain seated on his side of the booth.
“Justice is my brother.”
Relief swamped him. What claim do I have on her? It didn’t matter. She was his. “Older? Younger?” Stone wanted to learn everything he could about her. Everything.
“Older.” She held up a hand. “Not by much, but he thinks it makes him so much more knowledgeable. Please, like five minutes gives him that much of a head start.”
“Five minutes?” It hit him. “Ahh, twins.”
“Yes. So according to him, I’m the runt.”
Stone took a drink and stared across the table at the woman with him. “Tell me more,” he ordered, genuinely intrigued.
“No…tell me about you,” she countered. “Actually tell me if you think I’m crazy.”
The need to be told she wasn’t came across clear as day for him. Resting his elbows on the table, he leaned closer to her. “I don’t think you’re crazy. Had you told me when I pulled you over, I wouldn’t have believed the story. And most likely would have pegged you as loony or tryin’ to scam me.”
Jasira mimicked his action of leaning in closer. Tipping her head to the side, she licked her lips. “Really? Why?”
“I’ve heard a...” He paused to look up at the waitress who handed him the dessert menu. “A lot of excuses from people when I pulled them over.” Stone handed Jasira the menu knowing what he wanted. “Just tends to make me skeptical.”
The waitress returned and they told her what they wished. Once they were alone again, Jasira scooted to the corner of her booth seat and sat back. He presumed she stretched out her legs.
“Why didn’t you give me a ticket?” Her question ran full of true curiosity.
Very good question. I’ve wondered that myself. “Fair enough,” he conceded. “I had every intention of it, but the look of panic on your face convinced me of your words. That and you didn’t argue with me, like so many do.”
Jasira shifted. “Then why come here looking for me?”
She’s very cautious. “You intrigued me. I want to learn more about you.”
She smiled but shook her head. “I’ve shared enough for now. I want to learn something about you.”
While they ate dessert, Stone told her a bit more about what it was like to be the sheriff on the Reservation. They ate slowly and drank coffee. With each passing moment, Stone felt closer to her. She was a delight and a lot of fun. Quick witted, charming, and totally unaware of how adorable she truly was.
I can’t explain it, but I don’t want the night to end. The check sat beside him and yet, he was in no rush.
Jasira placed her coffee mug down and reached for her purse. “Thank you for this lovely evening, but I need to get going.” She pointed at the bill beside him. “What’s my cost?”
“Zero.” She arched a brow and he cocked his in return. “I asked you to dinner, I’m paying.” Stone could see the protest forming. “No arguments, Jasira.” His sharp gaze caught her slight shudder and he grinned, well aware of his affect on her.
“I’m not going to win this debate, am I?”
Stone stood and waited for her to join him. Placing his hand on the small of her back they then moved to the counter. “No, my dear, you won’t.”
He paid and soon they were stepping out into the night. The rain still streamed down in torrents. Where they were under the awning they remained dry. Stone took her umbrella, opened it, and handed it back to her. Her eyes stared down at their feet.
“Do you have a day off soon?” he asked.
“Why?” Jasira looked up at him.
“I want to see you again.”
Her lips curved up slightly and his heart rate increased. “I’d like that.” Jasira laid her hand upon his chest. “A lot.”
When she went to remove her hand, Stone covered it with his own and stepped into her. Jasira stepped back and he followed. Soon they were protected from the rain only by the umbrella. A tight fit; one Stone greatly approved of.
“When’s your next day off?” he asked, using his free hand to slide around the back of her neck and tangle in her thick luxurious hair.
Her fingers moved in small circles where her hand rested against him. “Sunday.”
I want you on my turf. “Do you like horseback riding?”
“I’ve gone a few times. Not recently but yes, I do like it.”
“What’s your number?” Stone entered it in his phone when she rattled it off, then covered her hand on his chest again. “I’ll call you tomorrow evening with directions.”
“It has been a pleasure, Jasira,” he murmured lowering his head to her ear. She smelled amazing. The same as she had the first time they met.
“Good night.”
Releasing the hold he had upon her hand, he placed it upon her face. His thumb skimmed her full lips. Electrical pulses shot through him at each touch. Stone maneuvered so he could stare into her eyes.
“Good night.”
Moving slow, he closed the distance between their mouths and placed a gentle, chaste kiss at the corner of her mouth. It was as if he got hit by lightning. Every synapse in his body reacted. Moving back, Stone struggled for control as he led her to her vehicle. He held the door for her and forgot about the rain cascading around him as she left the parking lot.