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And We've Come Full Circle (A Graham Family Story Book 2) Page 17
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Page 17
His heart pounded fiercely in his chest and he almost forgot to breathe. She hesitated slightly by the door of the car, her hand resting on the top of it. Even from where he stood on his porch he could see the nervousness in her stance.
He took the steps in a single bound and strode to her, not slowing until he arrived where she remained by the vehicle. He threaded one hand through her hair and used his other to cup the side of her face. His thumb stroking along her cheekbone.
“Waštelakapi,” he murmured brushing their lips together.
“Hello, Stone,” she said in a tone similar to his. “Sorry for just showing up like this but I wanted to see you.” She cleared her throat. “I needed to see you.”
He didn’t say another word, just scooped her up in his arms, kicked her car door shut with a booted heel, and strode inside the house. Once upstairs he placed her gently down upon the bed and lowered his body to hers, pressing kisses all over her face and whispering to her in Lakota.
When she arched into him, he rose up on one arm and stared down at her, his free hand continuing to trace light abstract patterns on her face. Her eyes shone up at him and he gave her a soft smile.
“I missed you.” He threaded some of her hair through his fingers
“I missed you, too. How are you doing? How was the funeral?”
How was he? “I’m much better now that you’re here. It was nice, I suppose, as far as funerals go. How about you? What happened with the appointment?” He could see the walls she had begin to go up and he shook his head, tugging slightly on the hair he still held. “Uh uh, Jasira. No shutting me out. Tell me what happened.”
“I’ll be lucky to get fifty percent mobility back in my hand. So my commanding officer called me in and we discussed what the possibilities would be for me.”
He noticed there wasn’t as much tension in her voice as had been the last time he’d seen her. Brushing his lips along her forehead, he closed his eyes briefly. “And that would be?”
“Stuff is still being discussed. I wanted to tell you though, I stopped fighting it and listened to the wind.”
Eyes flew open and he drew back so they could have visual contact. “You finally understood the message?”
“Yes. Well, at least I think so. I understand better; how about we put it that way.”
He scrunched his brow. “Meaning?”
“I had a dream where I met some men who helped me to understand. Spotted Horse and Dark Wolf.”
Again his breathing grew labored when the names of past tribesman passed her lips. “You had a conversation with Dark Wolf and Spotted Horse?”
“More like they had one with me. But, yes, in the grand scheme of things that is a way to interpret how it happened.”
Lowering his body closer to hers, he closed his eyes again and buried his nose in the silken strands of her hair. Spotted Horse was Red Eagle’s grandfather and Dark Wolf was his own ancestor.
“Jasira,” he began.
“I’m uncertain of a lot of things, Stone. But I had to come here and tell you thank you for everything you have done for me and for all of the things you have brought to my life.”
I don’t ever want to leave you.
He didn’t have the words to express how he felt so he turned closer and kissed her. Poured into it all his feelings and emotions. His body reacted swiftly and powerfully. With a low guttural groan, he flexed into her and grinned when she arched back. It didn’t take long and she was over him, naked, and lowering herself onto his sheathed hard shaft. His fingers gripped her hips and he held her gaze while she moved up and down at her own pace.
No words were spoken as they made love. After he came hard and fast deep within her core, he carefully brought her close to his chest and drew in a contented breath. Cautious of her arm, he held her near and they drifted off to sleep.
Noise from downstairs woke him later. Opening his eyes, he found Jasira in his arms hadn’t been a dream. She lay pressed against him, her arm across his chest and head on his shoulder. Her lashes rested against her cheeks and she still slept. They’d been in bed sleeping for a few hours. Carefully, he maneuvered out of the bed and slid on a pair of pants before padding downstairs to see whom from his family had returned.
His entire family stood in the kitchen making dinner. Four pairs of eyes found and centered on him the moment he strode in through the door. All of them lifted their brows at him and he felt a flush skimming along his skin.
“What?” he asked.
“Where is she?” Tegeen braved his glower and questioned.
“Sleeping.” Even as he told them he knew there was no way they’d leave now. They all wanted to meet her.
“Is she staying this time?” his mother asked.
“I haven’t asked her.” They frowned at him. He shrugged. “What do you want me to say?”
“So what were you doing?” His father shot him another scowl. “Although by your state of dress I can figure it out myself.”
Crossing his arms, Stone arched a brow. “This is my house, and I’m not exactly a child. I expect each one of you to treat her with respect.”
“Of course we will,” his mother assured him. She glared at her husband and nodded as if to reaffirm her statement. “You go get her up and supper will be ready by the time you’re down here.”
He spun around and headed back to the stairs. Taking them two at a time, he breathed a sigh of relief when he pushed into his bedroom and discovered Jasira still sound asleep in his large platform bed. The swirl of turquoise and white highlighted the chocolaty hue of her skin tone. She seemed so peaceful he truly hated to disturb her, but he knew if he didn’t wake her, his mother would come up and do it for him. Nothing and no one got in the way of Shenoa Black Hawk when she wanted something.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he reached out and shook her shoulder slightly. “Wake up, waštelakapi.”
She stirred and his heart caught when he was exposed to her deep pooling brown orbs. Her eyes were soft and sleepy and a soft smile turned up the corners of her full lips. “Hey,” she murmured.
“How’d you sleep?” he questioned brushing his lips along hers.
“Better than I have in a long time.”
Me too. “I’m glad to hear that. Come on, time to get up.”
She sighed and snuggled deeper into the comforter. “Really?” Invitation was all over her face. “Do I have to?”
“I would love to crawl back in there with you, but my family is downstairs and supper is just about ready.”
“What?” She bolted upright in the bed, panic overflowing in her wide gaze.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think we’d sleep that long.” He kissed her until she sagged deeper into him. “Come on, they’re excited about meeting you.”
* * * *
Jasira wanted to sink back down into the bed and pull the blankets up over her head not to come out until they had left. Nothing worse than meeting the family after shacking up with their son. Swallowing back her immediate desire, she slowly made her way to the edge of the bed and took the clothing Stone held out for her then headed toward the bathroom.
Cleaned up and dressed, she sat while Stone brushed out her hair for her. The hypnotic motion nearly put her back to sleep. As it was, she felt extremely relaxed when he finished. Together they walked down the stairs and headed for his kitchen. Numerous voices reached her along with mouthwatering smells.
Her steps faltered right before the kitchen and he placed his hand at the small of her back. “I’m right here with you, waštelakapi. You’re not alone.”
Four people stared at them when they entered. She recognized them from the photo and pasted what she hoped was a smile that they wouldn’t interpret as her feeling the need to vomit. Which she did.
A beautiful woman she recognized to be his sister flowed toward them with a large kind grin on her face.
“You must be Jasira. I’ve heard so much about you. I’m Tegeen, Stone’s youngest sibling.” Without as
king for permission, the young woman pulled her in for a hug. “I’m so glad to finally get a chance to meet you.” Tegeen interjected herself between her and Stone and pointed out the rest of the family. “That is our brother, he’s the middle child. Dasan is his name.”
Dasan waved and walked close enough to lean in and press a light kiss on her cheek. “Good to meet you, little sister.”
Before she could say anything, Tegeen was talking again.
“Our mother, Shenoa. And our father, Paytah.”
With a gesture from Shenoa, Tegeen stepped away from her. Jasira nodded at both parents and said, “It’s very nice to meet you.”
Shenoa didn’t say a word until she stood before her. With a dark, assessing stare, she skimmed her from head to toe. Nerves almost ready to crack, Jasira breathed in relief when the woman smiled at her and gave her a careful hug. Shenoa muttered some words in her ear which Jasira couldn’t understand but she felt welcome. Paytah gave her a hug as well, along with a kiss on the cheek.
The moment introductions were over, Stone had positioned himself back at her side. Dinner was light and fun. Informative and inquisitive as well. They asked questions and she answered. Stone interrupted if the questions were about her injury and what her future was in the military. An action for which she was grateful, she didn’t want to discuss it with people she barely knew.
It was after eleven when they retired up to his room for the night. Everyone had headed to a bedroom, and it was finally just her and Stone. Jasira sat on the edge of his bed and watched him walk around in nothing but a pair of jeans. He raked a hand through his hair and faced her. Her heart sped up the more she stared at him. He had to be the most handsome man she’d ever seen in her life.
“I’m sorry for barging in on you, Stone. I didn’t know…realize your family was here.”
He pinned her with his gaze. Eyes sharp and burning with more than just passion. “Never apologize for being with me. Ever.” Then he began pacing again.
“What happens now?” she questioned softly, uncertainty drifting within her.
Stone stopped gaiting around his open room and sighed heavily before moving to her side and crouching down on the floor by her knees. He nudged them apart and pulled her to the edge of the bed, settling himself between them.
“What do you want to happen, waštelakapi?”
I want you to tell me you love me and that you want me with you. I want you. Those words just couldn’t pass her lips. Not yet. “I want you to be honest with me about what you want, Stone.”
“I told you back in North Carolina, Jasira.”
She shook her head. While it may be petty, she needed to hear it again before she told him what she’d found out from the Navy. Wanted Stone to make his own decision and not feel obligated to say something just because she spoke up first.
“You said some things, but they could have been in the heat of the moment. I just want to know what you see going forward.” Her belly was in such a big knot, she felt like collapsing in a ball.
“They weren’t just words, Jasira. I meant every one of them. I want to be with you. Wherever you are, is where I want to be.”
She stared into his dark eyes and saw within them nothing but straightforward sincerity. He reached up to touch her face and she trembled from the tenderness in his caress. Licking her lips, she withdrew the rose Red Eagle had given her from her pocket.
“Can you tell me what this says?”
Stone barely glanced at it before meeting her eyes again. “It says, ‘May the stars carry your sadness away, may the flowers fill your heart with beauty, may hope forever wipe away your tears, and above all, may silence make you strong’.”
She ran the words over in her head and felt more of the doubt and restlessness which inflamed her blood for so long begin to ebb further and further away.
“Talk to me, waštelakapi.” His thumb traced over her lips.
How she’d missed being called his beloved. “I love you, Stone.”
His eyes widened slightly before dropping to her lips and back up again. She would have sworn they contained a sheen of tears in them.
“I love you, too. And I will for the rest of our days.” He leaned in and kissed her lightly. “Will you marry me?”
“Tói.” She pressed their mouths together again. “I’ll marry you. But only if we live here.”
Stone pulled back and tilted his head to the side. His expression showed his surprise of her use of Lakota. “Here? What about your career?”
“I was offered work near Rapid City. They’re starting up another crypto department, and it’s out here. My commanding officer gave me the option of being part of it. I’ll never serve on another ship, but I will still be in the Navy.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want you to say anything because I mentioned I had a chance of being here. I wanted you to say what you truly wanted.”
His large hands cupped her cheeks and he held her gaze and stated with the utmost conviction, “What I truly want is you.”
“And I you.”
Their lips met in a deeply passionate exchange. After they made love and Stone held her close in his powerful arms, Jasira ran the saying over in her head again. As well as went back over all she had been told from those who’d been sent to guide her to her true destiny. It was true, they’d been right, things had come full circle and she, for one, couldn’t be happier.
Snuggling up against the man she couldn’t imagine not having in her life she sighed and stared out the large windows at the star-studded sky. “And we’ve come full circle,” she whispered, thinking back to the man who started it all, Sergeant Isaiah Graham.
“What did you say, waštelakapi?”
With a final smile she reached up and kissed Stone lightly. “Nothing. Go to sleep, Stone. I love you.”
“Love you, too, waštelakapi.”
She knew it was true. The feeling of ultimate love and safety escorted her into the dream world and never left her.
Also by Aliyah Burke and TEP
With This Ring
A Denim and Spurs Book
Dream Lover
A Denim and Spurs Book
You Don’t Know Jack
A Denim and Spurs Short
• • • •
Justice Is Always Ready
A Graham Family Story
And We’ve Come Full Circle
A Graham Family Story
Aliyah Burke is an avid reader and is never far from pen and paper (or the computer). She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached here . She can also be found on Facebook or Twitter: @AliyahBurke96.
She is married to a career military man. They are owned by three Borzoi, and a DSH cat. She spends her days sharing time between work, writing, and dog training.
Twisted E Publishing, LLC